Postdoctoral vacancy in College of Humanities & Social Sciences Chaoyang University of Technology, Taichung, Taiwan
Only those candidates will be considered:1). have been awarded doctoral (Ph.D/Ed. D) degree in Humanities & Social Sciences or other related fields2). have published their research in reputed Scopus journals or conferences
Selected candidate will be provided:1). $58,350 NTD per month in the first year, 2). Labor and national health insurance, 3). Mandatory Pension Contribution (6% of Salary) by the University & Voluntary Pension Contribution (6% of Salary), 4). Performance-based bonus equivalent to 1.5 month salary subjected to annual appraisal.
Period of contract will be One year. The employment contract may be renewed based on performance.
Other incentives include:1). Subsidies will be provided to attend international conference and to publish papers. 2). Outstanding fellows who demonstrate excellence in research may be offered academic positions.
For further information and application requirements, candidates who fulfill the eligibility may contact: humanity@cyut.edu.tw
【徵才條件】1. 具國內外大學博士學歷2. 具有SCOPUS/SSCI 著作論文或研討會論文
【應徵資料】 1. 履歷表(含研究與工作經歷、著作表列) 2. 自傳3. 博士論文摘要 4. 最高學歷證書影本 5. 其他有利審查之資料 6. 人文社會領域優先,其他領域亦可
【連絡方式】 本聘案採隨到隨審制,請有意應徵者將應徵資料e-mail至 humanity@cyut.edu.tw,主旨註明 "應徵博士後研究人員- 姓名",合適者將再通知面談。