2019 Business trip to Europe: Liepaja-1


Visit a tremendous public kindergarten," Christian Pre-School of Liepaja"

Preschool education in Latvia is free. Parents only need to pay for food. Children from 1.5 to 6 years old are accepted here. Children over 5 years old are compulsory education. Before enrolling in the school, all parents must sign the consent form for video and photo taking. That's why the principal said that children could be photographed when I arrived.

The class size here is up to 24 children. There are two teachers, one assistant teacher who leads a class, a speech therapist (I heard that some Latvian sounds are difficult to pronounce, and many children need speech therapy), and families. The counselor provides social and emotional treatment for children from disadvantaged families. Some classes here are integrated education. There are children with autism, Down Syndrome, developmental delay, and hyperactivity disorder in each class.

The bed for children in the big class is stowed, and other children are in bedrooms with lunch breaks. The school hours are from 7:00 in the morning to 7:00 in the evening, so the teacher takes turns in the second shift, and the children eat three meals at school.

When Christmas is coming, children are doing related activities, making Christmas cards, and sending them to older people living alone or in nursing homes. 


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