「IEEE SSIM2021 國際研討會」


2021-08-30 朝陽人文暨社會學院與管理學院舉辦「IEEE SSIM2021國際研討會」,不畏疫情影響全面改為線上會議

2021-08-30人文暨社會學院與管理學院舉辦「IEEE SSIM2021國際研討會」,因應疫情影響全面改為線上會議,除本校師生外,亦有國際學者參加發表,與會國內外知名學者如下:

1.波特蘭大學教授Tugrul U. Daim博士

2.IEEE 技術與工程管理學會主席 Andy Chen先生

3.美國普度大學西北分校教授Kuan-Chou Chen博士

4.南非祖魯蘭大學副校長Vuyokazi Nomlomo博士


Organized by the College of Humanities and Social Sciences and the College of Management with joint effort, IEEE SSIM2021 International Conference officially opens on 30 August, 2021.

Organized by the College of Humanities and Social Sciences and the College of Management with joint effort, IEEE SSIM2021 International Conference officially opens on 30 August, 2021. Due to COVID-19, online virtual presentation is adopted for CYUT's faculty, students, and other overseas scholars. At this conference, we cordially invited the following scholars to give us keynote speeches:
1.Dr. Tugrul U. Daim, Professor of the Department of Engineering and Technology Management, Portland State University
2.Mr. Andy Chen, President of IEEE TEMS
3.Dr. Kuan-Chou Chen, Professor of Management Information Systems, Purdue University Northwest
4.Dr. Vuyokazi Nomlomo, Deputy Vice Chancellor of Teaching and Learning, University of Zululand
5.Dr. Ching-Chih Tsai, Life Distinguished Professor, the Department of Electrical Engineering, National Chung-Hsing University

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