李玲玉 著作
李玲玉 (2024/01)。跳動的音符--全幼兒音樂教育多元音樂元素活動教案。台灣:全幼兒音樂教育中心,ISBN:978-626-98106-0-4。
李玲玉 (2023/09)。全幼兒音樂教育模式。台灣:朝陽科技大學全幼兒發展教育研究中心,ISBN: 978-626-97813-0-0。
李玲玉 (2013,第二版)。嬰幼兒的音樂欣賞。台灣:新學林出版社,ISBN:978-986-295-184-2。
李玲玉 (2012)。特殊幼兒音樂育療:理論與實務-家扶基金會台中發展學園產學合作報告上冊理論篇。台灣:家扶基金會台中發展學園,ISBN:978-986-88107-5-4。
李玲玉 (2012)。特殊幼兒音樂育療:理論與實務-家扶基金會台中發展學園產學合作報告下冊實務篇第一卷。台灣:家扶基金會台中發展學園,ISBN:978-986-88107-1-6。
李玲玉 (2012)。特殊幼兒音樂育療:理論與實務-家扶基金會台中發展學園產學合作報告下冊實務篇第二卷。台灣:家扶基金會台中發展學園,ISBN:978-986-88107-2-3。
李玲玉 (2012)。特殊幼兒音樂育療:理論與實務-家扶基金會台中發展學園產學合作報告下冊實務篇第三卷。台灣:家扶基金會台中發展學園,ISBN:978-986-88107-3-0。
李玲玉 (2012)。特殊幼兒音樂育療:理論與實務-家扶基金會台中發展學園產學合作報告下冊實務篇第四卷。台灣:家扶基金會台中發展學園,ISBN:978-986-88107-4-7。
李玲玉 (2011)。聲音光束5 (Soundbeam 5)-全人潛能開發儀中文指導手冊。台灣:榮仁貿易有限公司,ISBN:978-986-86995-0-2。
李玲玉 (2011)。聲音光束5 (Soundbeam 5)-全人潛能開發儀教案篇。台灣:榮仁貿易有限公司,ISBN:978-986-86995-2-6。
李玲玉 (2011)。聲音光束5 (Soundbeam 5)-全人潛能開發儀論文篇。台灣:榮仁貿易有限公司,ISBN:978-986-86995-1-9。
李玲玉 (2010)。幼兒音樂治療:理論、課程設計與實務研究。台灣:新學林出版社,ISBN:978-986-6225-10-9。
李玲玉 (2008)。東森Yo Yo 幼兒園96學年度英文音樂教材。東森電視事業股份有限公司,I台灣:柏華文教股份有限公司。
李玲玉 (2007)。東森Yo Yo 幼兒園96學年度中文音樂教材。東森電視事業股份有限公司,台灣:柏華文教股份有限公司。
李玲玉 (2007)。嬰幼兒的音樂欣賞。台灣:新學林出版社,ISBN:978-986-7160-64-5。
Lee, L. (2006). The Meaningful Melody: Understanding the Deep Connections Between Music and Language. 台灣:新學林出版社,ISBN:986-7160-31-2。
Lee, L. (2006). Music Education, Culture, and the Development of Multiple Intelligences in Preschool Children: A Handbook for Teachers and Parents. 台灣:新學林出版社,ISBN:986-7160-17-7。
李玲玉 (2004)。幼兒音樂教育。台灣:華騰出版社,ISBN:986746416-8。
李玲玉 (2004)。歌唱學注音符號。台灣:華騰出版社,ISBN:9867464-17-6。
Lee, L. (2002/Feb). Music Education as a Means for Fostering Young Children's Knowledge of Dual Cultures, Doctoral Dissertation, Teachers College, Columbia University. USA: UMI Dissertation Services.
Hsu, W. C., Garimella, V. B., & Lee, L. (2021/Aug.). Examining the Factors That Affect Online Learning Engagement: A Micro-qualitative Approach. In: Mishra D., Chuang Y. (eds). Learning How to Learn Using Multimedia. pp. 11-22. Lecture Notes in Educational Technology. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-1784-3_2
Lakshmi Narasimhan V., Vasistha Bhargavi G., Lakshmi C., Lee L. (2021/Jan.) Synesthetic Learning Pedagogy (SLP)-An Exploratory Investigation. In: Agrawal S., Kumar Gupta K., H. Chan J., Agrawal J., Gupta M. (eds) Machine Intelligence and Smart Systems. Algorithms for Intelligent Systems. pp. 1-10. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-33-4893-6_1
Lee, L. (2016). Music activities for children with disabilities: an example from Taiwan. In D. Vanderlinde Blair, & K. McCord (eds). Exceptional Pedagogy for Children with Exceptionalitities: International Perspectives. NY: Oxford University Press. ISBN: 978-0-19-023456-0.
Lee, L. (2005). Music, social interaction and culture: a curriculum model to teach language, self, and identity to preschool children of dual cultures. In V. Rogers & D. Symons (Eds.), The Legacy of John Blacking: essays on Music, Culture and Society (pp.206-218). University of Western Australia Press, ISBN: 1-920694-47-1.
李玲玉。(2023/9月) 。幼兒成長的好朋友—音樂故事。幼兒園的奧福音樂課程實務樣貌—以台灣台中愛彌兒幼兒園為例,pp. 113-121,ISBN: 978-626-7178-65-2。台灣:心理出版社。
Lee, L. (2021/Summer). Learning language through the medium of music. Primary Geography, 105, pp. 24-26.
李玲玉 (2018)。2018「追求卓越的教保專業學術研討會―幼兒美感教育之理論與實踐」學術研討會會議總結。朝陽人文社會學刊,16 (1),pp. 155-160,ISSN:1684-6443。
李玲玉 (2018)。全幼兒音樂教育模式下之音樂育療產學合作報告。朝陽人文社會學刊,16 (1),pp. 63-154,ISSN:1684-6443。
李玲玉。(2009/1月) 。音樂治療課程對自閉症幼兒語言能力之個案研究。奧福教育年刊-音樂治療,10,pp. 33-48。中華奧福教育協會出版。
李玲玉。(2008/7月) 。慢飛天使的希望音樂盒-音樂治療課程設計。奧福樂器創意教學專刊系列九十七,pp. 43-56。中華奧福教育協會出版。
Lee, L., & Liu, Y.-S. (2025/Jan.). The Size of Higher Education, R&D Expenditure, Academic Documents and International Rankings. Social Sciences & Humanities Open, 11, 101189. ISSN: 25902911. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ssaho.2024.101189 (SCOPUS-Q1)
Lee, L., & Liu, Y.-S. (2024/Oct. 28). The Impact of Major Infectious Disease Events and Government Relief Packages on the Film Industry: Evidence from Taiwan. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 11, 1434. ISSN: 2662-9992 (online). https://doi.org/10.1057/s41599-024-03981-8 (A&HCI/ SSCI/SCOPUS-Q1)
Lee, L., & Liu, Y.-S.* (2023/Dec.13). The learning outcomes of Figurenotes music activities for children with special needs based on the ARMA models. SAGE Open, 13(4). ISSN 2158-2440. https://doi.org/10.1177/21582440231215565 (SSCI/SCOPUS-Q1)
Lee, L.* (2023/ Dec.8). Expectations and effectiveness of preschool teacher training program: a case study of teacher training course for the Holistic Music Educational Approach for Young Children. SAGE Open, 13(4). ISSN 2158-2440. https://doi.org/10.1177/21582440231215127 (SSCI/SCOPUS/Q1)
Lee, L., & Ho, H. J.* (2023/Nov. 29). Engagement with music technology in special educational settings for children with disabilities. Engineering Proceedings, 55(1), 27. ISSN 2673-4591. https://doi.org/10.3390/engproc2023055027 (SCOPUS/Q3)
Lee, L., Chang, Y. H., Liang, W. J.*, & Huang, Y. C. (2023/Sept. 2). Exploration of academic research trends of early childhood education in Taiwan through CATAR. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 19(10), em2340. ISSN:1305-8223. https://doi.org/10.29333/ejmste/13632 (SCOPUS-Q2)
Lee, L., & Lin, C. -H.* (2023/Jun. 21). Digital and traditional learning: learning styles with music and technology for early childhood education. Engineering Proceedings, 38(1), 19. https://doi.org/10.3390/engproc2023038019 (SCOPUS/Q3)
Chen, M. L., Eng, P. M. H. & Lee, L.* (2023/Jun.19). The needs of youths in transition after the alternative education program in Taiwan. Social Sciences, 12(6), 362. ISSN: 2076-0760. https://doi.org/10.3390/socsci12060362 (SCOPUS-Q2)
Lee, L., & Ho, H. J.* (2023/Jun.1). Effects of music technology on language comprehension and self-control in children with developmental delays. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 19(7), em2298. https://doi.org/10.29333/ejmste/13343(SCOPUS-Q2)
Lee, L., & Lin, H. F. (2023/Apr.13 ). The influence of music technology on the academic behavior of preschool children with autism spectrum disorders. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 19(6), em2273. https://doi.org/10.29333/ejmste/13198 (SCOPUS-Q2)
Lee, L., & Chao, P. J.* (2023 / Jan. 16). Perceptions of and Reflections on Aesthetic Education Training from the Perspective of Taiwanese Preschool Educators. Education Sciences, 13(1), 96. https://doi.org/10.3390/educsci13010096 (SCOPUS-Q2)
Lee, L., Bhargavi, V., Lin, H. F. * , & Pavitola, L. (2022/Jul.4). Exploring prosocial performance and gender differences in pre-school children through music activities. Frontiers in Education, 7:847833. ISSN: 2504-284X. https://doi.org/10.3389/feduc.2022.847833 (SSCI/SCOPUS/Q2)
Lee, L., Chang, Y. H., Liang, W. J.*, & Huang, Y. C. (2022/ Jun.18). The effect of music intervention on fetal education via doppler fetal monitor. Children, 9 (6): 918; EISSN 2227-9067. https://doi.org/10.3390/children9060918.(SCIE / SCOPUS -Q2)
Lee, L., Ho, H. J. & Bhargavi, V.* (2022/ Jan. 1).
examination of the effects of figure notes on sensory processing and learning
behaviors of young children. Pegem
Journal of Education and Instruction, 12(1), 56-73. ISSN: 2146-0655
(print), 2148-239X (online). https://doi.org/10.47750/pegegog.12.01.07(SCOPUS-Q4)
Lee, L., Liang, W. J., &, Sun, F. C.* (2021/ Dec. 2). The impact of integrating musical and image technology upon the level of learning engagement of pre-school children. Education Sciences, 11(12), 788. https://doi.org/10.3390/educsci11120788 (SCOPUS-Q2)
Lee, L., & Chang, H. Y. (2021/ Nov.18). Music Technology as a means for fostering young children's social interaction in an inclusive class. Applied System Innovations, 4 (4), 93. ISSN: 2571-5577. https://doi.org/10.3390/asi4040093 (SCOPUS-Q2)
Lee, L. & Liu, Y. S.*. (2021/ Sept.25). Training effects and intelligence evaluated pattern of the Holistic Music Educational Approach for children with developmental delay.International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH), 18(19), 10064. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph181910064(SSCI/SCOPUS-Q1)
Chu, H. C., Chao, F. L., & Lee, L. (2021/July). Vibration and airflow tactile perception as applied to large scale limb movements for children. Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal, 6(4), 147-153. ISSN: 2415-6698. DOI: 10.25046/aj060417
Yang, S. Y., Chen, S. C., Lee, L. and Liu, Y. S. (2021/Mar.). Employee stress, job satisfaction, and job performance: a comparison between high-technology and traditional industry in Taiwan. Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 8(3), 605-618. https://doi.org/10.13106/jafeb.2021.vol8.no3.0605
Lee, L. Kanwal, N., & Allsup, R. E. (2021/Mar.). Introduction to a new journal: International Journal of Social Sciences and Artistic Innovations. International Journal of Social Sciences and Artistic Innovations, 1(1), 1-2. ISSN 27375293. https://doi.org/10.35745/ijssai2021v01.01.0001
Sung, M. J., Bhargavi, V. & Lee, L. (2021/Mar.). E-resources & pre-service teachers (PSTs): an assessment on cognitive, behaviour and affective. Elementary Education Online (EEO). 20(5): 2141-2154. doi: 10.17051/ilkonline.2021.05.235 (SCOPUS-Q3)
Lee, L., & Liu, Y.-S. (2021/Jan. 29). Use of decision trees to Evaluate the Impact of a Holistic Music Educational Approach on Children with Special Needs. Sustainability, 13(3), 1-6, 1410. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13031410 (SSCI / SCOPUS / Q1)
宋明君、李玲玉(2021/Jan.)。運用圖畫音符教學法結合全幼兒音樂教育課程之早期介入研究-以伴隨有自閉性行為之發展遲緩幼兒為例。障礙者理解學刊,17(2),49 - 80。DOI: 10.6513/JUID.202101_17(2).0003
Liu, Y. S.*, & Lee, L.
(2020/Nov. 3). The Impact of COVID-19, Day-of-the-Week Effect, and Information
Flows on Bitcoin's Return and Volatility. Journal of Asian Finance, Economics
and Business, 7(11), 45-53.https://doi.org/10.13106/jafeb.2020.vol7.no11.045
Lee, L., & Lu, J. (2020/Sep. 21). Using a Citizen Science approach in early childhood education: A call for strengthening evidence. Cogent Education, 7(1), 1823141. https://doi.org/10.1080/2331186X.2020.1823141 (SCOPUS-Q3)
Lee, L., & Lin, H. F. (2020/June). Music Educational Therapy and the Figurenotes Music Pedagogical Approach for Young Children with Special Needs. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 8(6) , 2483-2492. ISSN: 2332-3205. doi: 10.13189/ujer.2020.080632 (SCOPUS)
Chu, H. C., Chao,
F. L., Lee, L., & Kao, P. Y. (2020/Jan..). Implement Wireless and
Distributed Vibrator for Enhancing Physical Activity of Visually Impaired
Children. Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal, 5(1), 100-105. ISSN:
2415-6698. (SCOPUS)
Chao, F. L., Chu, H. C., & Lee, L. (2019/Jun.). Enhancing Bodily Movements of the Visually Impaired Children by Airflow. Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal, 4(4), 308-313. ISSN: 2415-6698. (SCOPUS-Q3)
Lee, L., & Ho, H. J. (2019/May). A case study on the development of a child with disabilities and emotional stability by using the Holistic Music Educational Approach. In G. Tsiris & K, VanWeelden (eds). Proceedings of the 22nd International Seminar of the ISME Commission on Special Music Education and Music Therapy. Held at the Orff Institute, Mozarteum University Salzburg, Austria on 12-14 July 2018. ISBN: 978-0-6481219-9-2 (ebook) https://www.isme.org/sites/default/files/documents/2018%20Proceedings%20of%20the%20ISME%20Commission%20on%20SME%26MT-FINAL.pdf
Chao, F. L., Chu, H. C., & Lee, L. (2019/Feb.). Robot-Assisted Posture Emulation for Visually Impaired Children. Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal, 4(1), 193-199. ISSN: 2415-6698. c1634712c9671de9ee0cfa75b3f111893ec7.pdf (SCOPUS-Q3)
李玲玉、何函儒 (2018/Septemebr)。聲音光束對特殊需求幼兒溝通與動作發展之影響。教育科學研究期刊,63(3),69-104 ,ISSN:2073-753X。(TSSCI/SCOPUS)
Lee, L., & Ho, H. J. (2018, June). Exploring Young Children's Communication Development through the Soundbeam Trigger Modes in the 'Holistic Music Educational Approach for Young Children' Programme. Malaysian Journal of Music, 7, 1-19. ISSN: 2600-9366, eISSN: 2600-9331. (SCOPUS)
李玲玉、何函儒 (2017/June)。多感官音樂活動促進多重障礙幼兒持續注意力與肢體動作之學習成效。特殊教育學報,45,25-54,ISSN:2074-5583。(TSSCI)
Lee, L., & Ho, H. J. (2017/June). The Impact of Parental Participation in Music Educational Therapy for Children with Multiple Disabilities on Learning Effectiveness. 朝陽人文社會學刊,15 (1), 1-12,ISSN: 1684-6443.
陳奕如、李玲玉 (2016/December)。團體音樂育療對重度腦性麻痺幼兒正向情緒及溝通能力之效果研究。朝陽人文社會學刊,14 (2) ,pp. 57-78,ISSN:1684-6443。
游碧鳳、李玲玉 (2016/December)。音樂活動發展幼幼班幼兒正向情緒及人際互動之研究。朝陽人文社會學刊,14 (2) ,pp. 79-100,ISSN:1684-6443。
Lee, L., & Li, T. Y. (2016). The impact of music activities in a multi-sensory room for children with multiple disabilities on developing positive emotions: a case study. Journal of the European Teacher Education Network, 11, pp. 1-12. ISSN: 2183-2234.
Lee, L. (2015). Investigating the impact of music activities incorporating Soundbeam Technology on children with multiple disabilities. Journal of the European Teacher Education Network, 10, pp. 1-12. ISSN: 2183-2234.
Lee, L., & Lin, S. C. (2015). The impact of music activities on foreign language, English learning for young children. 10, pp. 13-23. Journal of the European Teacher Education Network. ISSN: 2183-2234.
Lee, L. (2013). Learning English through music for children under 6. The Learning Teacher Magazine. 4 (4), pp. 8-9, ISSN:2000-2610.
Lee, L., & Lin, S. (2013). Evaluating the use of music with teaching aids in a multi-sensory environment on developing children with disabilities positive emotions and communication skills. In J. Portela, I. Vale, F. Huckaby, & G. Bieger (eds). The Proceeding of the 23rd Annual Conference of the European Teacher Education Network (ETEN) (pp. 143-162). Published jointly by ETEN, Instituto Politecnico de Viana do Castelo, Escola Superior de Educacao, Texas Christian University, and Indiana University of Pennsylvannia. ISBN: 978-989-95980-7-2.
Lee, L., & McCord, K. (2012). Using music technology with young children with autism: two case studies. Proceedings of the 30th ISME World Conference on Music Education. pp. 195-211. ISBN: 978-0-9806310-0-5.
Lee, L., & Liu, H. (2012). Evaluating the effectiveness of music activities on emotions and communication for a child with autism in a multi-sensory environment. In L. E. Schraer-Joiner (ed). Proceedings of the 18th International Seminar of the Commission on Music in Special Education, Music Therapy, and Music Medicine. ISBN: 9780987351166 (ebook), (Nedlands, W.A.: International Society for Music Education), 2012.
Lee, L. (2012). Music, a wonderful window for young children's learning. The Learning Teacher Magazine. 3 (2), pp. 6-7, ISSN:2000-2610.
李玲玉。(2011)。聲音與肢體律動輔助科技應用於視力障礙兒童教育之研究。朝陽人文社會學刊,9 (2) ,pp. 1-22,ISSN:1684-6443。
Lee, L. (2011). A case study on integrating Soundbeam technology and music activities to enhance a special needs child's development of motor skills and attention span. 朝陽人文社會學刊,9 (1),pp. 87-108,ISSN:1684-6443。
Lee, L. (2011). Music, a natural connection for young learners' development. In K. Kumpulainen & A. Toom (eds). The Proceeding of the 21st Annual Conference of the European Teacher Education Network (ETEN). Published jointly by ETEN, the University of Helsinki, pp. 16-22, ISBN: 978-952-10-6859-1.
Lee, L. (2010). Assessing the effectiveness of applying Soundbeam technology on enhancing an autistic child's disruptive behaviors and development. In L. Lee (ed.), Proceeding of the 18th International Seminar of the Commission on Music in Special Education, Music Therapy, and Music Medicine (pp. 10-23). International Society for Music Education 2010, ISBN: 978-0-9806310-4-3.
Lee, L. (2010). Music therapy enhances attention span and promotes language ability in young special needs children. In L. Schraer-Joiner & K. McCord (eds.), Proceeding of the ISME Commission Seminar on Music in Special Education, Music Therapy, and Music Medicine (pp. 34-45). International Society for Music Education, ISBN: 0-9752063-5-4.
Lee, L. (2010). The use of musical instruments and supplemental materials to enhance spoken language acquisition by children with autism: a case study. In L. Schraer-Joiner & K. McCord (eds.), Proceeding of the ISME Commission Seminar on Music in Special Education, Music Therapy, and Music Medicine (pp. 83-94). International Society for Music Education, ISBN: 0-9752063-5-4.
Lee, L. (2010). An empirical study on teaching a foreign language through music to preschoolers at an inclusive class in Taiwan. In W. Sims (ed.), Proceeding of the 29th International Society for Music Education World Conference, pp. 120-123. ISBN: 978-0-9806310-0-5.
李玲玉 (2009)。運用現代科技發展幼兒創造力及提昇肢體動作之行動研究。朝陽人文社會學刊,7 (2),pp. 1-40,ISSN:1684-6443。
Lee, L. (2009). An empirical study of teaching urban young children music and English by contrastive elements of music and songs. Journal of US-China Education Review, 6 (3). pp. 27-39. ISSN: 1548-6613,USA.
李玲玉 (2008)。運用音樂治療發展特殊幼兒語言能力之實徵性研究。朝陽人文社會學刊,6 (1),pp. 19-60,ISSN:1684-6443。
李玲玉 (2007)。運用音樂治療提升特殊幼兒注意力之成效探討。朝陽人文社會學刊,5 (1),pp. 211-240,ISSN:1684-6443。
李玲玉 (2007)。主題式音樂美語教學對幼兒美語學習之行動研究。高雄師大學報,第22期,1-24頁,ISSN: 1021-4542.
Lee, L. (2007). An empirical study of using music activities to improve attention span and language ability of three autistic young children. In N. Hall (ed.), The Proceeding of the 17th Annual Conference of the European Teacher Education Network (ETEN) (pp.151-158). Published jointly by ETEN, the University of Greenwich and Escola Superior de Educacao, Instituto de Politecnico, ISBN: 978-1-86166-238-5.
Lee, L. (2006). Music education in the facilitation of social and behavioral changes in a cohort of autistic children. In M. Prause-Weber (ed.), Musica - res severa verum gaudium - Proceeding of the ISME Commission Seminar on Music in Special Education, Music Therapy, and Music Medicine (pp. 29-36). International Society for Music Education, ISBN: 0-9752063-5-4.
李玲玉 (2005)。Musical training in the advancement of linguistic and cultural knowledge in a cohort of Taiwanese university early childhood education majors。朝陽學報,第十期,269-279,ISSN:1026-244X。
李玲玉 (2005)。An empirical study of using music education to connect young children with Chinese culture and Chinese language。朝陽人文社會學刊,3 (1), pp. 31-58,ISSN: 1684-6443。
李玲玉、李永華 (2005)。嬰幼兒音樂教案設計、分析與實施。彰化師大教育學報,第8輯,27-66。
李玲玉、詹乃穎、何函儒、鄭如晶、蘇秀娟 (2005)。音樂治療對自閉症幼兒發展之成效探討。特殊教育學報,第21期,1-24頁。
李玲玉 (2003)。幼兒 "智慧未來" 的成功之鑰。幼兒教育,第270期季刊,第22-23頁。
Lee, L. (2001/May). Music verses language. Journal of New Jersey Chinese Association Chinese School, 56-57。
Lee, L. & Huang, S. (2024/Apr.). Cultivating English Communication Comprehension in Two-Year-Olds via Holistic Music Educational Approach for Young Children. The annual ETEN Conference, NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences, Leeuwarden, The Netherlands, 17-19 April 2024.
Lee, L., Lin, C. H. & Shi, M. C. (2023/Dec.). The Effects for The English Medium Instruction (EMI) Learning on Youtube,Instagram, and Facebook, TED Talks for language learners in Taiwan. Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE International Conference on Social Sciences and Intelligence Management SSIM-2022. Taichung, Taiwan, December 15-17, 2023.
Lee, C., & Lee, L. (2023/Apr.). Learning Language, Mandarin Chinese in a Melodic Way. The annual ETEN Conference, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, German, 13-15 April 2023.
Lee, L., Chang, Y. H., Liang, W. J., & Huang, Y. C. (2022/Nov.). Exploration of Academic Research Trends of Early Childhood Education in Taiwan 2017-2022 Through CATAR. The 2nd IEEE International Conference on Social Sciences and Intelligence Management SSIM-2022. Taichung, Taiwan, November 24-26, 2022.
Lee, L., & Ho, H. J. (2022/Nov.). Music Technology's effects on Learning in Children with Specific needs. The 2nd IEEE International Conference on Social Sciences and Intelligence Management SSIM-2022. Taichung, Taiwan, November 24-26, 2022.
Lee, L., & Lin, C. H.
(2022/Nov.). Early Childhood Education for Blended learning, Learning Styles
with Music and Technology. The 2nd IEEE International Conference on
Social Sciences and Intelligence Management SSIM-2022. Taichung, Taiwan,
November 24-26, 2022.
Lin, H. F. *, Lee, L. & Bhargavi, V. (2021/Oct.). A Comparative Study on the Parental Music Literacy of Preschool Children-Taking Taiwan and Southern India as Examples.In Knowledge Innovation on Design and Culture: Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE International Conference on Knowledge Innovation and Invention 2020 (IEEE ICKII 2020) (pp. 11-14). https://doi.org/10.1142/9789811238727_0003
Lee, L., Liang, W. J., & Huang, Y. Q. (2021/Aug.). The Use of Doppler Fetal Monitor on Detecting the Fetal Heart Rate in a Holistic Music Educational Approach Class. IEEE International Conference on Social Sciences and Intelligent Management SSIM-2021. Taichung, Taiwan, August 29-31.
Lee, L., & Chang, H. Y. (2021/Aug.). Music Technology as a Means for Fostering Young Children's Social Interaction in an Inclusive Class. IEEE International Conference on Social Sciences and Intelligent Management SSIM-2021. Taichung, Taiwan, August 29-31.
Liao, H. C., Yang, J. S., Chen, G. Y., Huang, Y. M., Lin, H. F., Lee, L. & Lim, Z. Y. (2021/Aug.). Reaction Time Measurement During Music Therapy of Children with Developmental Delays by Utilizing Deep Learning Technique. IEEE International Conference on Social Sciences and Intelligent Management SSIM-2021. Taichung, Taiwan, August 29-31.
Lee, M. G., Kan, Y. C. Lo, H. M., Lee, L., Lee, Z. R. (2021/Aug.). Design Practice of Creative Remote-Controlled Concrete Boat Integrated into the Capstone Course of Construction Engineering. IEEE International Conference on Social Sciences and Intelligent Management SSIM-2021. Taichung, Taiwan, August 29-31.
Lee, L., & Ho, C. L.* (2021/Feb.). The Use of Music Technology Instruments in the Development of Gross Motor Skills in Young Children. The 4th Eurasian Conference on Educational Innovation 2021 (ECEI 2021). Taitung, Taiwan, February 5-7, 2021.
Lakshminarasimhan, V., Bhargavi, V.*, Lakshmi, and Lee, L. (2020/ September). Synesthetic Learning Pedagogy (SLP): An Exploratory Investigation. International Conference on Machine Intelligence and Smart Systems (MISS 2020). September 24-25, 2020, RJIT BSF Academy, Tekanpur, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, India. (Scopus Indexed Conference)
Liou, T. J., Weng, M. W. *, & Lee, L. (2020/September).
The Effect of Big data Platforms on Multi-stage Production System in Industrie
4.0. Proceedings of the 2020 2nd International
Conference on Computer Software Engineering and applications (CSEA 2020), ISBN:
978-1-4503-8786-6, 48-54. Taichung Software Park, Taiwan, September 18-20,
2020. Publisher: Association for Computing Machinery, New York, USA.https://doi.org/10.1145/3418688.3418697 (Scopus
Indexed Conference)
Wey, T. M., Weng, M. W. *, & Lee, L. (2020/August). Satisfaction Evaluation of Child Care Center with Interactive Media. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on E-Society, E-Education and E-Technology (ICSET 2020), 52-56. Ming Chuan University, Taipei, Taiwan, August 15-17, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1145/3421682.3421688 (Scopus Indexed Conference)
Lee, L., & Lin, H. F. (2020/Feb.). The Impact of a Holistic Music Educational Approach on Young Children learning American English. The 3rd Eurasian Conference on Educational Innovation 2020 (ECEI 2020). Hanoi, Vietnam, February 5-7, 2020. (Scopus Indexed Conference)https://doi.org/10.1142/9789811228001_0192
Lee, L., & Lin, H. F. (2020/Feb.). A Study on the Application of FigureNotes Teaching Method to Music Needs of Children with Special Needs. The 3rd Eurasian Conference on Educational Innovation 2020 (ECEI 2020). Hanoi, Vietnam, February 5-7, 2020. (Scopus Indexed Conference)https://doi.org/10.1142/9789811228001_0017
Sung, M. J., & Lee, L. (2019/Nov.). A Study of Investigating Pre-Service Teachers' Attitudes Towards Using e-Learning Resources. Proceedings of the 18th European Conference on e-Learning, ECEL 2019. ISSN: 2048-8637, 2048-8645 ISBN: 978-1-912764-42-6. Aalborg University, Copenhagen, Denmark. 7-8 November, 2019. (Scopus Indexed Conference)
Chan, C. S. C., Chee,T. L., Skinner, A., Pitupumnak, K., & Lee, L. (2019). Empowering 21stcentury workforce skills through creative transmission and multiple pathways in the performing arts. The 45th International Council for Traditional Music (ICTM) World Conference, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand, 11 to 17 July 2019.
Lee, L. & Ho, H. J. (2019). A pilot study of integrating Figurenotes with Holistic Music Educational Approach on learning behaviors for young children with cerebral palsy. Paper presented at the VIII International Conference "Early Childhood Care and Education" (ECCE 2019), Moscow, Russia, 29 May - 1 June 2019.
Liang, W. J., Lee, L., & Huang, Y. C. (2019). A Pilot Study on Fetal Growth Reactions Through the Use of Holistic Music Educational Approach. Paper presented at the VIII International Conference "Early Childhood Care and Education" (ECCE 2019), Moscow, Russia, 29 May - 1 June 2019.
Lee, L., Ho, H. J., Liao, X. D. Liao, Y. X., & Chu, H. C. (2019). The impact of using FigureNotes for young children with developmental delay on developing social interactions and physical movements. Paper presented at the 6th IEEE 2019 ICCE-TW: The 6th IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics, Yilan, Taiwan, 20th ~22nd May, 2019. (SCOPUS)
Lee, L., & Ho, H. J. (2019). The preliminary effects of the Figurenotes feasibility on language and self-directed competence for the young children with developmental delay. Paper presented at the 29th European Teacher Education Network (ETEN) Conference. Universitat de Vic - Universitat Central de Catalunya, 25-27 April, 2019.
Lee, L., & Ho, H. J. (2018). A Case Study on the Development of a Child with Disabilities and Emotional Stability by Using the Holistic Music Educational Approach. Paper presented at the ISME Commission Seminar, International Society for Music Education. Salzburg Austria, 12th -14th July, 2018.
Lee, L., & Ho, H. J. (2018). Applying Holistic Music Educational Approach for Young Children on Emotional and Behavioral Changes of a Child with Asperger's Syndrome. Paper presented at the 28th European Teacher Education Network (ETEN) Conference. Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 22nd -24th March, 2018.
Lee, L., Ho, H. J., & Yu, Y. U. (2017). Music Educational Therapy as a Means on Developing Positive Emotions for a Young Child with Cerebral Palsy. Paper presented at The 11th Asia-Pacific Symposium on Music Education Research, ISME Asia-Pacific Regional Conference. Malacca, Malaysia, 19th -21st July, 2017.
于子喻、李玲玉 (2017)。運用全幼兒音樂教育模式發展遲緩幼兒情緒穩定度之個案研究。「2017追求卓越的教保專業學術研討會-教保服務人員專業發展」,129-144頁,5月9日,台中:朝陽科技大學幼兒保育系。
施品竹、李玲玉 (2017)。多元音樂故事活動融入親子課程對特殊需求幼兒正向情緒發展之初探性個案研究。「2017追求卓越的教保專業學術研討會-教保服務人員專業發展」,111-127頁,5月9日,台中:朝陽科技大學幼兒保育系。
Lee, L., & Ho, H. J. (2017). The Exploration of Music Educational Therapy Approach on Developing the Emotional Stability and Communication Skills for Young Children with Severe Disabilities: A Case Study. Paper presented at the 27th European Teacher Education Network (ETEN) Conference. University of Gothenburg, Sweden, 20th-22nd April, 2017.
李玲玉 (2016)。特殊幼兒音樂育療之理論與實務研究及師資培養模式探索。音樂表演和音樂教師教育的新方向:中國的大學音樂教育研討會。中國福建省廈門市廈門大學藝術學院。2016年11月2-5日。
Lee, L., Chen, H. S., & Hogenes, M. (2016). Music activities for teaching young children with special needs. Workshop paper presented at the 32nd International Society for Music Education World Conference. 24th -29th July, 2016. Glasgow, UK.
Lee, L. (2016). A Case Study of Using Holistic Music Educational Approach on Developing Young Children with Multiple Disabilities Communication Skills and Physical Movement. Paper presented at the ISME Commission Seminar, International Society for Music Education. 20th -23rd July, 2016. Edinburgh, Scotland.
Lee, L. (2016). An Empirical Study of Holistic Music Educational Approach for Young Children on Communication Development. Paper presented at the 26th European Teacher Education Network (ETEN) Conference. Setúbal, Portugal, 14-17 April, 2016.
Lee, L., & Li, T. Y. (2015). The impact of music activities in a multi-sensory room for children with multiple disabilities on developing positive emotions: a case study. Paper presented at the 25th European Teacher Education Network (ETEN) Conference. Copenhagen, Denmark, 16-19 April, 2015.
Lee, L. (2014). The effect of music activities in a multi-sensory room for children with Asperger's Syndrome on behavioral changes: a case study, Paper presented at the ISME Commission Seminar, International Society for Music Education. July 17-18, 2014. Parana Faculty of Arts, Curitiba, Brazil.
黃耀慶、李玲玉 (2014)。音樂元素對胎動影響之初探性研究。「2014追求卓越的教保專業學術研討會-揭開新課綱的神秘面紗」,67頁,5月24日,台中:朝陽科技大學幼兒保育系。
李姿緣、李玲玉 (2014)。音樂育療對重度特殊兒童情緒調節之初探性研究。「2014追求卓越的教保專業學術研討會-揭開新課綱的神秘面紗」,68頁,5月24日,台中:朝陽科技大學幼兒保育系。
張筱雲、李玲玉 (2014)。音樂美語課程對融合班幼兒美語學習之研究。「2014追求卓越的教保專業學術研討會-揭開新課綱的神秘面紗」,79頁,5月24日,台中:朝陽科技大學幼兒保育系。
陳奕如、李玲玉 (2014)。以音樂活動發展幼兒人際互動與情緒表達之初探性研究。「2014追求卓越的教保專業學術研討會-揭開新課綱的神秘面紗」,80頁,5月24日,台中:朝陽科技大學幼兒保育系。
Lee, L., & Lin, S. C. (2014). The impact of music activities on foreign language, English learning for young children. Paper presented at the 24th European Teacher Education Network (ETEN) Conference. Leipzig, Germany, 3-5 April 2014.
Lee, L., Wu, Y. Y., & Yang, Y. H. (2014). The application of music activities and drama in teaching young children. Paper presented at the 24th European Teacher Education Network (ETEN) Conference. Leipzig, Germany, 3-5 April 2014.
Lee, L., & Lin, S. C. (2013). Evaluating the use of music with teaching aids in a multi-sensory environment on developing children with disabilities positive emotions and communication skills. Paper presented at the 23st European Teacher Education Network (ETEN) Conference. Hasselt, Belgium, 25-27 April 2013.
Lee, L., & McCord, K. (2012). iPads and Electronic instruments for children with Autism. Paper presented at the 2012 American Music Therapy Association Conference: Changing Winds: Innovation in Music Therapy, Oct. 11-14, 2012, St. Charles, Illinois, USA.
Lee, L., & Yang, Y. H. (2012). Using music and assistive technology in sensory play for children with disabilities. Paper presented at the 2012 American Music Therapy Association Conference: Changing Winds: Innovation in Music Therapy, Oct. 11-14, 2012, St. Charles, Illinois, USA.
Lee, L., & McCord, K. (2012). Using music technology with young children with autism: two case studies. Paper presented at the 30th International Society for Music Education World Conference. July 15-20, 2012. Thessaloniki, Greece.
Lee, L., & Liu, H. (2012). Evaluating the effectiveness of music activities on emotions and communication for a child with autism in a multi-sensory environment, Paper presented at the ISME Commission Seminar, International Society for Music Education. July 12-14, 2012. University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Lee, L., & Lin, S. C. (2012). Investigating the impact of music activities incorporating Soundbeam technology on children with multiple disabilities. Paper presented at the 22st European Teacher Education Network (ETEN) Conference. Coimbra, Portugal. 19-21 April 2012.
Chao, F. L., Lee, L., & Chu, H. C. (2012). A Study on integrating distributed vibrator and music activities to enhance bodily movement of children with visually impaired. Paper presented at the 23rd Annual International SITE Conference: Teaching in Exponential Times, Austin, Texas, USA. March 5 - 9, 2012.
Chao, F. L., Lee, L. & Chu, H. C. (2012). A pilot study on applying combination of music and airflow to enhance bodily movement of visually impaired. Poster presented at the 23rd Annual International SITE Conference: Teaching in Exponential Times, Austin, Texas, USA. March 5 - 9, 2012.
Chao, F. L., Lee, L., & Chu, H. C. (2012). Robotic supported posture learning for visually impaired children. Poster presented at the 23rd Annual International SITE Conference: Teaching in Exponential Times, Austin, Texas, USA. March 5 - 9, 2012.
Lee, L. (2011). A study on the use of technology of sounds and music activities on developing children with visually impaired physical movement. Paper presented at The 8th Asia-Pacific Symposium on Music Education Research, ISME Asia-Pacific Regional Conference. Taipei Municipal University of Education, Taipei, Taiwan. 4-6 July 2011.
Lee, L., & Lin, S. C. (2011). Music, a natural connection for young learners' development. Paper presented at the 21st European Teacher Education Network (ETEN) Conference. Amsterdam Institute of Education, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 14-17 April 2011.
Lee, L. (2010). A case study on evaluating the effectiveness of applying Soundbeam technology on enhancing an autistic child's development. Paper presented at the AOSA Conference in Spokane, November 3 - 6, 2011.
Lee, L. (2010). An empirical study on teaching a foreign language through music to preschoolers at an inclusive class in Taiwan. Paper presented at the 29th International Society for Music Education World Conference. August 1-6, 2010. Beijing, China.
Lee, L. (2010). Assessing the effectiveness of applying Soundbeam technology on enhancing an autistic child's disruptive behaviors and development. Paper presented at the ISME Commission Seminar, International Society for Music Education. July 27-30, 2010. Beijing, China.
Lee, L. (2009). A case study on integrating Soundbeam technology and music activities to enhance a special needs child's development of motor skills and attention span. Paper presented for EAPRIL conference / 4th European Conference on Practice-based and Practitioner Research on Learning and Instruction, Trier, Germany from 18th until 20th of November, 2009.
Lee, L. (2008). An empirical study of teaching urban young children music and English by contrastive elements of music and songs. Paper presented at the European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), 10-12 September 2008, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Lee, L. (2008). The use of musical instruments and supplemental materials to enhance spoken language acquisition by children with autism: a case study. Paper presented at the Commission Seminar in Bologna, and the Special Session at the 28th ISME World Conference. Bologna, Italy.
Lee, L. (2008). The application of drama and music skills in teaching special needs children. The workshop paper presented at the Commission Seminar in Bologna, and the Special Session at the 28th ISME World Conference. Bologna, Italy.
Lee, L. (2007). An empirical study of using music activities to improve attention span and language ability of three autistic young children. Paper presented at The 17th European Teacher Education Network (ETEN) Conference. Porto, Portugal 19-21 April 2007.
Lee, L. (2006). Music therapy enhances attention span and promotes language ability in young special needs children. Paper presented at the Commission Seminar in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia, and the Special Session at the 27th ISME World Conference. Kuala Lumpur Malaysia.
Lee, L. (2006). Musical storytelling: becoming the focus of attention. The workshop paper presented at the Commission Seminar in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia, and the Special Session at the 27th ISME World Conference. Kuala Lumpur Malaysia.
Lee, L. (2005). Global diplomacy and music exchange: a Taiwanese/American perspective. Paper presented at the Fourth International Research in Music Education (RIME) Conference. Exeter, UK.
Lee, L. (2004). Using musical improvisation to effect linguistic and behavioral changes in a cohort of Taiwanese autistic children. Paper presented at the Sixth Annual American Music Therapy Association (AMTA) Conference. Austin, USA.
李玲玉 (2004)。音樂治療對自閉症幼兒之社會及行為的正向改變。第五屆全國早療相關服務發表大會暨國際研討會論文集,125-131頁,高雄:中華民國發展遲緩兒童早期療育協會。
Lee, L. (2004). Music education in the facilitation of social and behavioral changes in a cohort of autistic children. Paper presented at the 26th International Society for Music Education - ISME World Conference. Tenerife, Canary Islands, & Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain.
Lee, L. (2003). Music, social interaction and culture: a curriculum model to teach language, self, and identity to preschool children of dual cultures. Paper presented at Australia Society for Music Education (ASME), Music--Culture--Society: A Symposium in Memory of John Blacking. Perth, Australia.
Lee, L. (2003). Music and cognition: a curriculum model to teach language, culture, and self-identity to preschool children of dual cultures. Paper presented at the Conference of the National Association for Music Education - MENC.
Lee, L. (2002). Using music education to connect young children with Chinese and language culture. Paper presented at the 44th Annual Conference of the American Association for Chinese Studies. California, USA.
Lee, L. (2024/April). Harmony in Play: Nurturing Early Development Through Musical Exploration. Guest Lecture was invited to present at Seminar of International Week. NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences, Leeuwarden, The Netherlands, 22-26 April 2024.
Lee, L. (2024/Feb.). Dynamics of Musical Notes: Teaching Young Children on Multiple Developments. Lecture was invited to present at Seminar of International Week. VIVES University of Applied Sciences, Sweden, 6-8 Febuary, 2023.
Lee, L. (2023/Sept.). Holistic Music Educational Approach for Teaching Young Children in Multiple Domains. Lecture was invited to present at Kristianstad University, Sweden, 18-20 September, 2023.
Lee, L. (2023). Holistic Music Educational Approach for Teaching Young Children on Multiple Developments. Lecture was invited to present at Ismail Qemali University of Vlorë, Albania, 22-28 June, 2023.
李玲玉 (2020)。台灣音樂AR多感官繪本。國立臺灣交響樂團師資培訓研習會,2020年7月14日。台灣:霧峰。
Lee, L. (2019). Holistic Music Educational Approach for Teaching Young Children on Multiple Developments. Lecture was invited to present at Liepaja University, Latvia, 9 December, 2019.
Lee, L. (2019). Globalization in Chaoyang University of Technology. Lecture was invited to present at Masaryk University, Brno, the Czech Republic, 6 December, 2019.
Lee, L. (2019). Globalization in Chaoyang University of Technology. Lecture was invited to present at Seminar of International Week for Staff. Kirchliche Pädagogische Hochschule Wien/Krems, Vienna, Austria, 2-5 December, 2019.
Lee, L. (2019). Journey to the West. Lecture was invited to present at Seminar of International Week. Kirchliche Pädagogische Hochschule Wien/Krems, Vienna, Austria, 13-17 May, 2019.
Lee, L. (2019). Holistic Music Educational Approach for Teaching Young Children on Multiple Developments. Lecture was invited to present at Seminar of International Week. Universitat de Vic, Barcelona, Spain, 25-27 April, 2019.
李玲玉 (2018)。全幼兒音樂教育模式-幼兒教育的多元化新方向。中國天恩蒙特梭利教育國際研討會議。中國:北京天恩蒙特梭利教育研究院。2018年12月9日。
Lee, L. (2018). Holistic Music Educational Approach for Teaching Young Children on Multiple Developments. Lecture was invited to present at Seminar of International Week. Malmö University, 21st & 22nd November, 2018.
李玲玉 (2018)。全幼兒音樂教育模式。惠州學院教育科學學院。中國:廣東惠州。2018年11月6~8日。
Lee, L. (2018). Holistic Music Educational Approach for Teaching Young Children on Multiple Developments. Lecture was invited to present at Seminar of International Week. Ball State University, 18th September, 2018.
Lee, L. (2018). Holistic Music Educational Approach for Teaching Young Children on Multiple Developments. Lecture was invited to present at Seminar of International Week. Diponegoro University, Indonesia, 5th ~7th September, 2018.
Lee, L. (2018). Introduction to Center of Holistic Music Educational Approach for Teaching Young Children at CYUT. Presentation was invited to present at Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic, 17th July-18th July, 2018.
Lee, L. (2018). Holistic Music Educational Approach for Teaching Young Children on Multiple Developments. Lecture was invited to present at Seminar of International Week. Kirchliche Pädagogische Hochschule Wien/Krems, Vienna, Austria, 14th May-18th May, 2018.
Lee, L. (2018). Holistic Music Educational Approach for Teaching Young Children on Multiple Developments. Lecture was invited to present at Seminar of International Week. Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 19th March-20th March, 2018.
Lee, L. (2017). Holistic Music Educational Approach for Teaching Young Children on Multiple Developments. Lecture was invited to present at Seminar of International Week. University of Gothenburg, Sweden. 18th April-19th April, 2017.
Lee, L. (2017). Music, A Magic Power for Young Children. Lecture was invited to present at 2017 International Workshop of Music Education for Young Children. Chaoyang University of Technology, Taichung, Taiwan, 7th March, 2017.
Lee, L. (2017). Holistic Music Educational Approach for Teaching Young Children on Multiple Developments. Lecture was invited to present at Seminar of International Week. University Colllege UCC, Copenhagen, Denmark. 27th Feburary-1st March, 2017.
Lee, L. (2016). Holistic Music Educational Approach for Teaching Young Children on Multiple Developments. Lecture was invited to present at the Workshop Seminar of Northumbria University, Newcastle, UK. 19th September-22rd September, 2016.
Lee, L. (2016). Sharing the positive research results of "Holistic Music Educational Approach" for young children in Taiwan. Lecture was invited to present at Seminar of International Week. University Colllege UCC, Copenhagen, Denmark. 29th Feburary-2nd March, 2016.
李玲玉 (2016)。全幼兒音樂教育模式。中國天恩蒙特梭利巡迴演講。,2016年3月26~4月5日。中國:青島、杭州、成都、河北。
Lee, L. (2015). Introduction to Music Education Center for Holistic Children at Chaoyang University of Technology, Taiwan. Invited speech at International Week, Mondragon University, Spain, 21st -23rd September 2015.
李玲玉 (2015)。音樂,嬰幼兒多元智能的自然連結。首屆青島國際兒童教育峰會,2015年4月29~5月9日。中國:青島。
李玲玉 (2015)。全幼兒音樂教育理論與實施。青島國際兒童教育峰會,2015年6月13~14日。中國:青島。
李玲玉 (2015)。幼兒音樂課程之設計原理與運用。2015年亞洲幼兒教育發展論壇。73-85頁,2015年5月23日。政治大學公企中心。
Lee, L. (2015). Music, a natural connection for young learners' development. Lecture was invited to present at Seminar of International Week. University Colllege UCC, Copenhagen, Denmark. 15 April, 2015.
李玲玉 (2015)。 The learning platform of European Universities- The Experience Sharing of ETEN Cooperation2015。Seminar on Internationalization - Connecting with Europe & America (國際化--歐美接軌實務座談會) ,2015年05月14日。中區技專校院校際聯盟:朝陽科技大學。
李玲玉 (2014)。全幼兒音樂教育的重要性。中國·天恩蒙特梭利教育研究院(TMI,Chinese Tienn Montessori Institute)新聞發佈會專題演講,2014年12月28日。中國:北京。
Lee, L. (2013). Using music, teaching aids and assistive technology in sensory play for children with disabilities. Lecture was invited to present at Limburg Catholic University College, Hasselt, Belgium. 24 April~4 May, 2013.
Lee, L. (2012). Using music, assistive technology and materials in a multi-sensory environment for children with disabilities. Lecture was invited to present at the 2012 European Teacher Education Network, Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, Texas, USA.
Lee, L. (2011). The applications of using Soundbeam technology and music activities in therapeutic and educational Settings. Paper was invited to present at The Music Therapy Workshop, Taiwan Kodaly Society Conference. National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan. 7-9 July 2011.
Lee, L. (2011). The applications of music activities and music technology for children with special needs development. Lecture was invited to present at New Jersey Music Educators Association State Conference - Music Lasts A Lifetime, Skype Conferencing, 26-27 February 2011, New Jersey, USA.
Lee, L. (2009). The meaningful melody: understanding the deep connections between music and young children's development. Lecture was invited to present at the "National Music Education Conference of China", 23-27 August 2009, Beijing, China.
李玲玉 (2008)。運用音樂治療發展特殊幼兒語言能力之實徵性研究。朝陽科技大學人文暨社會學院九十六學年度學術研究成果發表會。214-249頁。朝陽科技大學。
李玲玉 (2008)。朝陽科技大學聲音光束科技之介紹 (Introduction of Soundbeam technology at Chaoyang University of Technology)。朝陽科技大學九十七學年度現代科技在幼教與特教之應用國際研討會 (International Conference for the 2007-2008 Academic Year. The Application of Technology for Early Childhood Education and Special Education)。6-32頁。朝陽科技大學。
李玲玉 (2008)。運用現代科技發展幼兒創造力之行動研究 (An action study on using technology to develop young children's creativity)。朝陽科技大學九十七學年度現代科技在幼教與特教之應用國際研討會 (International Conference for the 2007-2008 Academic Year. The Application of Technology for Early Childhood Education and Special Education)。33-44頁。朝陽科技大學。
李玲玉、詹乃穎、何函儒、林瑞雲 (2006)。運用音樂提升特殊幼兒注意力之成效探討。朝陽科技大學人文暨社會學院九十四學年度學術研究成果發表會。1-35頁。朝陽科技大學。
Lee, L. (2005). Music in the global classroom. Paper presented at Hayes School of Music, Appalachian State University. North Carolina, USA.
李玲玉、李永華 (2005)。嬰幼兒音樂教案設計、分析與實施。嬰幼兒發展與保育學術研討會,20-41頁。朝陽科技大學。
李玲玉、詹乃穎、何函儒、鄭如晶、蘇秀娟 (2005)。音樂治療提昇特殊兒童發展。嬰幼兒發展與保育學術研討會論文集,1-21頁。朝陽科技大學。
李玲玉 (2004)。音樂治療對自閉症幼兒之社會及行為的正向改變。朝陽科技大學人文暨社會學院九十三學年度提昇教師實務能力及進修成長專案計畫產業輔導實務經驗交流研討會報告。
李玲玉 (2002)。幼兒音樂教育的重要性與示範教學。91學年度中等學校地方教育輔導南區 - 幼稚教育教學創新研討會論文集,B1-21頁,正修技術學院教育學程中心。
趙方麟、李玲玉、朱鴻棋 (2012)。觸覺感知輔助科技於視力障礙兒童肢體律動應用。國科會成果報告。99-2221-E-324-026-MY2
李玲玉、趙方麟 (2010)。聲音與肢體律動輔助科技應用於視力障礙兒童教育之研究。國科會成果報告:九十八年度國科會應用科學教育學門成果發表會。NSC98-2511-S-324-005。
李玲玉 (2008)。設立聲音光束科技兒童發展中心暨運用現代科技發展幼兒創造力及提昇肢體動作之行動研究。教育部補助96年度中長程校務發展計畫之行動方案成果報告,朝陽科技大學。
李玲玉 (2006)。全校英文培訓計劃。全校英文培訓計劃成果發表會報告,朝陽科技大學。
李玲玉 (2005)。Ready for success。未來領袖碩士生培育計畫成果發表會報告,朝陽科技大學。
其他作品 - 音樂CD和影片:無審核機制
李玲玉(2009)。李玲玉老師創作曲集CD X, XI, XII, XIII, XIV。
李玲玉(2007)。李玲玉老師創作曲集CD V。
李玲玉(2007)。李玲玉老師創作曲集CD VI。
李玲玉(2007)。李玲玉老師創作曲集CD VII。
李玲玉(2007)。李玲玉老師創作曲集CD VIII。
李玲玉(2008)。李玲玉老師創作曲集CD IX。
李玲玉(2006)。音樂有聲書 - 讓我們聽雨去。台灣:新學林出版股份有限公司,ISBN:978-986-7160-64-5。
李玲玉(2006)。李玲玉老師創作曲集CD Ⅰ。台灣:新學林出版股份有限公司,ISBN:978-986-7160-64-5。
李玲玉(2006)。李玲玉老師創作曲集CD Ⅱ 。台灣:新學林出版股份有限公司,ISBN:978-986-7160-64-5。
李玲玉(2006)。李玲玉老師創作曲集CD III 。台灣:新學林出版股份有限公司,ISBN:978-986-7160-64-5。
李玲玉(2006)。李玲玉老師創作曲集CD IV 。台灣:新學林出版股份有限公司,ISBN:978-986-7160-64-5。
李玲玉(2006)。李玲玉老師重新創作曲集CD 。台灣:新學林出版股份有限公司,ISBN:978-986-7160-64-5。
李玲玉(2005)。Learning English Through Music音樂美語教學VCD。
李玲玉(2000)。Piano Trio Music From Formosa
李玲玉(1999)。The Parent-child Learning Program
其他作品 - 兒童繪本:無審核機制
李玲玉 (2023)。幾何森林 。未出版。
Lee, L. (2023). Geometric Forest. Unpublished.
李玲玉 (2022)。會說話的電視 。未出版。
Lee, L. (2022). A Speaking TV. Unpublished.
李玲玉 (2021)。神秘的迷宮密碼 。未出版。
Lee, L. (2021). The Mysterious Maze Code. Unpublished.
李玲玉 (2020)。七彩精靈的奇幻森林 。未出版。
Lee, L. (2020). A Fantasy Music Forest.
李玲玉 (2019)。萬花筒仙境。未出版。
Liza Lee (2019)。Kaleidoscope Wonderland。未出版。
李玲玉 (2018)。彩色精靈王國。未出版。
Liza Lee (2018). The Colorful Fairy Kingdom.
李玲玉 (2017)。大野狼。未出版。
Liza Lee (2017). Big Wild Wolf.
李玲玉 (2016)。瑪莉喜歡玩躲貓貓。未出版。
Liza Lee (2016). Molly likes to play hide and seek.
李玲玉 (2015)。小小魚巴比。未出版。
Liza Lee (2015). Baby Fish, Bobby.
李玲玉 (2014)。 形狀王國。未出版。
Liza Lee (2014). The Shape Kingdom.
李玲玉 (2012)。咪咪逛動物園。未出版。
Liza Lee (2011)。Frog Family's Taiwan Adventure。未出版。
Liza Lee (2011)。Frog Family's Taiwan Adventure。未出版。
Liza Lee (2009)。Music Forest。未出版。
Liza Lee (2009)。Music Box。未出版。
Liza Lee (2008)。The Magic Stick。未出版。
Liza Lee (2008)。The Whim-Wham Worm。未出版。
Liza Lee (2008)。The Silly Wolf。未出版。
Liza Lee (2008)。Picture-Book Garden。未出版。
Liza Lee (2007)。The Magic Bean Family。未出版。
Liza Lee (2007)。Yummy-Yummy Lost Weight。未出版。
Liza Lee (2007)。The Black Witch and the White Witch。未出版。
Liza Lee (2007)。Where are My Facial Features/Body Parts?。未出版。
Liza Lee (2007)。The pig, Yummy-Yummy's Friends。未出版。
Liza Lee (2007)。The Ants' New Home。未出版。
Liza Lee (2006)。Little Bao-Mei& Bi-Bo Play Hide & Seek with Insect Friends。未出版。
李玲玉 (2005)。小寶妹與雲姊姊。未出版。
李玲玉 (2005)。小寶妹玩躲貓貓。未出版。
李玲玉 (2003)。小寶妹的音樂夢。未出版。
Lee, L. (2003). Chinese Festivals and Holidays, NY: New York Institute for Social Research.
Lee, L. (2002). Four Seasons, (Children's Picture Book), NY: New York Institute for Social Research.
Lee, L. (2002). I Am Mommy's Beautiful Baby, (Children's Picture Book), NY: New York Institute for Social Research.
Lee, L. (2002). My Home, (Children's Picture Book), NY: New York Institute for Social Research.
Lee, L. (2002). The Opposite Land, (Children's Picture Book), NY: New York
李玲玉 (2008/7月)。慢飛天使的希望音樂盒-音樂治療課程設計。奧福樂器創意教學:專刊系列九十七,中華奧福教育協會,43-56頁。
李玲玉 (2008/8,9月)。和寶貝玩音樂:星星兒的音樂盒。蒙特梭利雙月刊:親子音樂專欄, 78期,28-29頁。ISSN:010277765-9。
李玲玉 (2008/6,7月)。和寶貝玩音樂:慢飛天使寶寶的音樂盒。蒙特梭利雙月刊:親子音樂專欄, 77期,28-29頁。ISSN:010277765-9。
李玲玉 (2008/4,5月)。和寶貝玩音樂:音樂與語言II。蒙特梭利雙月刊:親子音樂專欄, 76期,28-29頁。ISSN:010277765-9。
李玲玉 (2008/2,3月)。和寶貝玩音樂:音樂與語言I。蒙特梭利雙月刊:親子音樂專欄, 75期,30-31頁。ISSN:010277765-9。
李玲玉 (2007/12, 2008/1月)。和寶貝玩音樂:囡仔囡囡睡。蒙特梭利雙月刊專欄,期74期,28-29頁。ISSN:010277765-9。
李玲玉 (2007/10, 11月)。和寶貝玩音樂:故事歌曲。蒙特梭利雙月刊專欄,期73期,30-31頁。ISSN:010277765-9。
李玲玉 (2007/8, 9月)。和寶貝玩音樂:手足舞蹈小天使。蒙特梭利雙月刊專欄,期72期,28-29頁。ISSN:010277765-9。
李玲玉 (2007/6, 7月)。和寶貝玩音樂:歌唱天使。蒙特梭利雙月刊專欄,71期,28-29頁。ISSN:010277765-9。
李玲玉 (2007/4, 5月)。和寶貝玩音樂:天使V.S.搗蛋小精靈。蒙特梭利雙月刊專欄,70期,26-27頁。ISSN:010277765-9。
李玲玉 (2007/2, 3月)。和寶貝玩音樂:長毛線V.S.短毛球。蒙特梭利雙月刊專欄,69期,32-33頁。ISSN:010277765-9。
李玲玉 (2006/12,2007/ 1月)。和寶貝玩音樂:Ta TiTi Ta Ta 我愛你寶貝。蒙特梭利雙月刊專欄,68期,34-35頁。ISSN:010277765-9。
李玲玉 (2006/10, 11月)。和寶貝玩音樂:走走又停停。蒙特梭利雙月刊專欄,67期,32-33頁。ISSN:010277765-9。
李玲玉 (2006/8, 9月)。和寶貝玩音樂:快快兔V.S.慢慢龜。蒙特梭利雙月刊專欄,66期,34-35頁。ISSN:010277765-9。
李玲玉 (2006/6, 7月)。和寶貝玩音樂:敲鑼打鼓V.S.輕聲細語。蒙特梭利雙月刊專欄,65期,32-33頁。ISSN:010277765-9。
李玲玉 (2006/4, 5月)。和寶貝玩音樂:高高低低,上山又下海。蒙特梭利雙月刊專欄,64期,30-31頁。ISSN:010277765-9。
李玲玉 (2006/2, 3月)。和寶貝玩音樂:音樂故事。蒙特梭利雙月刊專欄,63期,32-33頁。ISSN:010277765-9。
李玲玉 (2005/12, 1月)。和寶貝玩音樂:叮叮噹噹聲音大會串。蒙特梭利雙月刊專欄,62期,26-27頁。ISSN:010277765-9。
李玲玉 (2005/10, 11月)。和寶貝玩音樂:寶貝囡囡親子音樂 -- 樂ㄌㄜ丶。蒙特梭利雙月刊專欄,61期,34-35頁。ISSN:010277765-9。
Liza Ling-Yu Lee & Jonathan Gardner (2003). Free students from China's shackles. Taipei Times, October 6.
李玲玉 (2003)。台灣未來成功的關鍵:音樂,自由時報,10月23日。
Lee, L. (2024/Jan. 1). Dynamics of Musical Notes: A Holistic Preschool Music Education Lesson Plan with Diverse Elements. Taiwan: Research Center of Holistic Music Educational Approach for Young Children, CYUT. ISBN: 978-626-98106-0-4.
Lee, L. (2023/September 30).
Music Educational Approach for Young Children. Taiwan: Research Center of Holistic
Development for Young Children, CYUT. ISBN: 978-626-97813-0-0.
Lee, L. (2013, 2nd Edition). Music Appreciation for Infants, Toddlers & Preschoolers. Taiwan: Hsin Shue Ling Publication, ISBN:978-986-7160-64-5.
Lee, L. (2012). Theory & Practice of Music Educational Therapy for Young Children with Disabilities:A Report of the Industry-University Collaboration Research at Taichung Early Intervention Center (Theory), Taiwan Fund for Children and Families. Taiwan Fund for Children and Families. ISBN:978-986-88107-5-4.
Lee, L. (2012). Theory & Practice of Music Educational Therapy for Young Children with Disabilities:A Report of the Industry-University Collaboration Research at Taichung Early Intervention Center (Research Report I), Taiwan Fund for Children and Families. Taiwan Fund for Children and Families. ISBN:978-986-88107-1-6.
Lee, L. (2012). Theory & Practice of Music Educational Therapy for Young Children with Disabilities:A Report of the Industry-University Collaboration Research at Taichung Early Intervention Center (Research Report II), Taiwan Fund for Children and Families. Taiwan Fund for Children and Families. ISBN:978-986-88107-2-3.
Lee, L. (2012). Theory & Practice of Music Educational Therapy for Young Children with Disabilities:A Report of the Industry-University Collaboration Research at Taichung Early Intervention Center (Research Report III), Taiwan Fund for Children and Families. Taiwan Fund for Children and Families. ISBN:978-986-88107-3-0.
Lee, L. (2012). Theory & Practice of Music Educational Therapy for Young Children with Disabilities:A Report of the Industry-University Collaboration Research at Taichung Early Intervention Center (Research Report IV), Taiwan Fund for Children and Families. Taiwan Fund for Children and Families. ISBN:978-986-88107-4-7.
Lee, L. (2011). Soundbeam 5 - Chinese Instruction Manual. Taiwan: Zhong Zhen Company, ISBN:978-986-86995-0-2.
Lee, L. (2011). Soundbeam 5- Lesson Plans. Taiwan: Zhong Zhen Company, ISBN:978-986-86995-2-6.
Lee, L. (2011). Soundbeam 5- Research Reports. Taiwan: Zhong Zhen Company, ISBN:978-986-86995-1-9.
Lee, L. (2010). Music Therapy for Young Children. Taiwan: Hsin Shue Ling Publication, ISBN:978-986-6225-10-9.
Lee, L. (2008). Teaching English through Music Curriculum for Yo Yo Kindergarten. Taiwan: Eastern Multimedia Group, Han Hwa Publication.
Lee, L. (2007). Music Curriculum for Yo Yo Kindergarten. Taiwan: Eastern Multimedia Group, Han Hwa Publication.
Lee, L. (2007). Music Appreciation for Infants, Toddlers & Preschoolers. Taiwan: Hsin Shue Ling Publication, ISBN:978-986-7160-64-5.
Lee, L. (2006). The Meaningful Melody: Understanding the Deep Connections Between Music and Language. Taiwan: Hsin Shue Ling Publication, ISBN:986-7160-31-2.
Lee, L. (2006). Music Education, Culture, and the Development of Multiple Intelligences in Preschool Children: A Handbook for Teachers and Parents. Taiwan: Hsin Shue Ling Publication, ISBN:986-7160-17-7.
Lee, L. (2004). Music Education for Young Children. Taiwan: Hwa Teng Publication, ISBN:986746416-8.
Lee, L. (2004). Learning Zhu-Yin Symbols through Singing. Hwa Teng Publication, ISBN:9867464-17-6.
Lee, L. (2002/Feb). Music Education as a Means for Fostering Young Children's Knowledge of Dual Cultures, Doctoral Dissertation, Teachers College, Columbia University. USA: UMI Dissertation Services Publication.
Hsu, W. C., Garimella, V. B., & Lee, L. (2021/Aug.). Examining the Factors That Affect Online Learning Engagement: A Micro-qualitative Approach. In: Mishra D., Chuang Y. (eds). Learning How to Learn Using Multimedia. pp. 11-22. Lecture Notes in Educational Technology. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-1784-3_2
Lakshmi Narasimhan V.,
Vasistha Bhargavi G., Lakshmi C., Lee L. (2021/Jan.) Synesthetic Learning Pedagogy
(SLP)-An Exploratory Investigation. In: Agrawal S., Kumar Gupta K., H. Chan J.,
Agrawal J., Gupta M. (eds) Machine
Intelligence and Smart Systems. Algorithms for Intelligent Systems. pp.
1-10. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-33-4893-6_1
Lee, L. (2016). Music activities for children with disabilities: an example from Taiwan. In D. Vanderlinde Blair, & K. McCord (eds). Exceptional Pedagogy for Children with Exceptionalitities: International Perspectives. NY: Oxford University Press. ISBN: 978-0-19-023456-0.
Lee, L. (2005). Music, social interaction and culture: a curriculum model to teach language, self, and identity to preschool children of dual cultures. In V. Rogers & D. Symons (Eds.), The Legacy of John Blacking: essays on Music, Culture and Society (pp.206-218). University of Western Australia Press, ISBN: 1-920694-47-1.
Lee, L. (2023/Sept.). A Good Friend in the Growth of Children—Musical Stories. Practical Aspects of Orff Music Curriculum in Kindergartens—A Case Study of Ai Mi Er Kindergarten in Taichung, Taiwan, pp. 113-121, ISBN: 978-626-7178-65-2. Taiwan: Psychological Publishing Company.
Lee, L. (2021/Summer). Learning language through the
medium of music. Primary Geography, 105, pp. 24-26.
Lee, L. (2018). The summary of the seminar of "2018 the Pursuit of Outstanding Professional Development and Education, the Theory and Practice of Aesthetic Education for Young Children. Journal of College of Humanities and Social Sciences, 16 (1), 1-6. ISSN: 1684-6443.
Lee, L. (2018). The report of Industry-University Cooperation Projects on Music Educational Therapy of Holistic Music Educational Approach for Young Children. Journal of College of Humanities and Social Sciences, 16 (1), 1-92. ISSN: 1684-6443.
Lee, L. (2009/January). A Case Study of Applying Music Therapy on Developing Language Ability for A Child with Autism , Orff Education Annual Issue, pp. 33-48. Taiwan Orff Association Press.
Lee, L. (2008/July). The Hoping Music box of the Slow Angel: The curriculum of Music Therapy. A Case Study of Applying Music Therapy on Developing Language Ability for A Child with Autism, The Special Issue of Orff Creative Teaching, pp.206-218. Taiwan Orff Association Press.
Lee, L., & Liu, Y.-S. (2025/Jan.). The Size of Higher Education, R&D Expenditure, Academic Documents and International Rankings. Social Sciences & Humanities Open, 11, 101189. ISSN: 25902911. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ssaho.2024.101189 (SCOPUS-Q1)
Lee, L., & Liu, Y.-S. (2024/Oct. 28). The Impact of Major Infectious Disease Events and Government Relief Packages on the Film Industry: Evidence from Taiwan. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 11, 1434. ISSN: 2662-9992 (online). https://doi.org/10.1057/s41599-024-03981-8 (A&HCI/ SSCI/SCOPUS-Q1)
Lee, L., & Liu, Y.-S.* (2023/Dec.13). The learning outcomes of Figurenotes music activities for children with special needs based on the ARMA models. SAGE Open, 13(4). ISSN 2158-2440. https://doi.org/10.1177/21582440231215565 (SSCI/SCOPUS-Q1)
Lee, L.* (2023/ Dec.8). Expectations and Effectiveness of Preschool Teacher Training Program: A Case Study of Teacher Training Course for the Holistic Music Educational Approach for Young Children. Sage Open, 13(4). ISSN 2158-2440. https://doi.org/10.1177/21582440231215127 (SSCI/SCOPUS/Q1)
Lee, L., & Ho, H. J.* (2023/Nov. 29). Engagement with Music Technology in Special Educational Settings for Children with Disabilities. Engineering Proceedings, 55(1), 27. https://doi.org/10.3390/engproc2023055027 (SCOPUS/Q3)
Lee, L., Chang, Y. H., Liang, W. J.*, & Huang, Y. C. (2023/Sept. 2). Exploration of academic research trends of early childhood education in Taiwan through CATAR. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 19(10), em2340. ISSN:1305-8223. https://doi.org/10.29333/ejmste/13632 (SCOPUS/Q2)
Lee, L., & Lin, C. -H.* (2023/Jun. 21). Digital and Traditional Learning: Learning Styles with Music and Technology for Early Childhood Education. Engineering Proceedings, 38(1), 19. https://doi.org/10.3390/engproc2023038019 (SCOPUS/Q3)
Chen, M. L., Eng, P. M. H. & Lee, L.* (2023/Jun.19). The Needs of Youths in Transition after the Alternative Education Program in Taiwan. Social Sciences, 12(6), 362. ISSN: 2076-0760.https://doi.org/10.3390/socsci12060362 (SCOPUS-Q2)
Lee, L., & Ho, H. J.* (2023/Jun.1). Effects of Music Technology on Language Comprehension and Self-Control in Children with Developmental Delays. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 19(7), em2298. https://doi.org/10.29333/ejmste/13343(SCOPUS-Q2)
Lee, L., & Lin, H. F. (2023/Apr.13 ). The influence of music technology on the academic behavior of preschool children with autism spectrum disorders. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 19(6), em2273. https://doi.org/10.29333/ejmste/13198 (SCOPUS-Q2)
Lee, L., & Chao, P. J.* (2023 / Jan. 16). Perceptions of and Reflections on Aesthetic Education Training from the Perspective of Taiwanese Preschool Educators. Education Sciences, 13(1), 96. https://doi.org/10.3390/educsci13010096 (SCOPUS-Q2)
Lee, L., Bhargavi, V., Lin, H. F. * , & Pavitola, L. (2022/Jul.). Exploring Prosocial Performance and Gender Differences in Pre-school Children Through Music Activities. Frontiers in Education, 7:847833. ISSN: 2504-284X. https://doi.org/10.3389/feduc.2022.847833 (SSCI/SCOPUS-Q2)
Lee, L., Chang, Y. H., Liang, W. J.*, & Huang, Y. C. (2022/Jun.). The Effect of Music Intervention on Fetal Education via Doppler Fetal Monitor. Children, 9 (6): 918; EISSN 2227-9067. https://doi.org/10.3390/children9060918.(SCIE / SCOPUS-Q2)
Lee, L., Ho, H. J. & Bhargavi, V.* (2022/ Jan. 1).An examination of the effects of figure notes on sensory processing and learning behaviors of young children. Pegem Journal of Education and Instruction,12 (1), 56-73. ISSN: 2146-0655 (print), 2148-239X(online). https://doi.org/10.47750/pegegog.12.01.07 (SCOPUS-Q4)
Lee, L., Liang, W. J., &, Sun, F. C.* (2021/Dec.2).The Impact of Integrating Musical and Image Technology Upon the Level of Learning Engagement of Pre-school Children. Education Sciences, 11(12), 788. https://doi.org/10.3390/educsci11120788 (SCOPUS-Q2)
Lee, L., & Chang, H. Y. (2021/Nov. ). Music Technology as a Means for Fostering Young Children's Social Interactions in an Inclusive Class. Applied System Innovations, 4(4), 93.ISSN:25715577. https://doi.org/10.3390/asi4040093 (SCOPUS-Q2)
Lee, L. & Liu, Y. S.*. (2021/Sept.). Training Effects and Intelligent Evaluated Pattern of the Holistic Music Educational Approach for Children with Developmental Delay.International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH), 18(19), 10064; https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph181910064 (SSCI/SCOPUS-Q1)
Chu, H. C., Chao, F. L., & Lee, L. (2021/July). Vibration and Airflow Tactile Perception as Applied to Large Scale Limb Movements for Children. Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal, 6(4), 147-153. ISSN: 2415-6698. DOI: 10.25046/aj060417
Yang, S. Y., Chen, S. C., Lee, L. and Liu, Y. S. (2021/Mar.). Employee Stress, Job Satisfaction, and Job Performance: A Comparison between High-technology and Traditional Industry in Taiwan. Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 8(3), 605-618. https://doi.org/10.13106/jafeb.2021.vol8.no3.0605
Sung, M. J., Bhargavi, V.* & Lee, L. (2021/Mar.). E-Resources & Pre-Service Teachers (PSTs): An Assessment on Cognitive, Behaviour and Affective. Elementary Education Online (EEO). 20(5): 2141-2154. doi: 10.17051/ilkonline.2021.05.235
Lee, L., & Liu, Y.-S. (2021/Jan. 29). Use of Decision Trees to Evaluate the Impact of a Holistic Music Educational Approach on Children with Special Needs. Sustainability, 13(3), 1-6, 1410. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13031410 (SSCI/SCOPUS / Q1)
Liu, Y. S.*, & Lee, L. (2020/Nov. 3). The Impact of COVID-19, Day-of-the-Week Effect, and Information Flows on Bitcoin's Return and Volatility. Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 7(11), 45-53.https://doi.org/10.13106/jafeb.2020.vol7.no11.045 (SCOPUS-Q1)
Lee, L., & Lin, H. F. (2020/June). Music Educational Therapy and the Figurenotes Music Pedagogical Approach for Young Children with Special Needs. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 8(6) , 2483-2492. ISSN: 2332-3205. doi: 10.13189/ujer.2020.080632.(SCOPUS)
Chu, H. C., Chao, F. L., Lee, L., & Kao, P. Y. (2020/Jan..). Implement Wireless and Distributed Vibrator for Enhancing Physical Activity of Visually Impaired Children. Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal, 5(1), 100-105. ISSN: 2415-6698. (SCOPUS)
Chao, F. L., Chu, H. C., & Lee, L. (2019/Jun.). Enhancing Bodily Movements of the Visually Impaired Children by Airflow. Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal, 4(4), 308-313. ISSN: 2415-6698. (SCOPUS-Q3)
Lee, L., & Ho, H. J. (2019/May). A case study on the development of a child with disabilities and emotional stability by using the Holistic Music Educational Approach. In G. Tsiris & K, VanWeelden (eds). Proceedings of the 22nd International Seminar of the ISME Commission on Special Music Education and Music Therapy. Held at the Orff Institute, Mozarteum University Salzburg, Austria on 12-14 July 2018. ISBN: 978-0-6481219-9-2 (ebook) https://www.isme.org/sites/default/files/documents/2018%20Proceedings%20of%20the%20ISME%20Commission%20on%20SME%26MT-FINAL.pdf
Chao, F. L., Chu, H. C., & Lee, L. (2019/Jan.). Robot-Assisted Posture Emulation for Visually Impaired Children. Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal, 4(1), 193-199. ISSN: 2415-6698. (SCOPUS-Q3)
Lee, L., & Ho, H. J. (2018). Effects of soundbeams on development of communication and physical movements in young children with special needs. Journal of Research in Education Sciences, 63(3),69-104. (SCOPUS)
Lee, L., & Ho, H. J. (2018). Exploring Young Children's Communication Development through the Soundbeam Trigger Modes in the 'Holistic Music Educational Approach for Young Children' Programme. Malaysian Journal of Music, 7, 1-19. ISSN: 2600-9366, eISSN: 2600-9331. (SCOPUS-Q2)
Lee, L., & Ho, H. J. (2017). A Study of Multi-Sensory Musical Activities for Children with Multiple Disabilities on Promoting Sustained Attention and Physical Movement Effective Learning. Journal of Special Education, 45, 25-54. ISSN:2074-5583(TSSCI).
Lee, L., & Ho, H. J. (2017). The Impact of Parental Participation in Music Educational Therapy for Children with Multiple Disabilities on Learning Effectiveness. Chaoyang Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 15 (1), pp. 1-12. ISSN: 1684-6443.
Chen, Y. J., & Lee, L. (2016). The effectiveness of Group Music Educational Therapy on developing Positive Emotions and Communication Skills for a Young Child with Severe Cerebral Palsy. Chaoyang Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 14 (2), pp. 57-78. ISSN: 1684-6443.
You, B. F., & Lee, L. (2016). A Study of Using Music Activities on the Development of Young Children on Positive Emotions and Social Interaction. Chaoyang Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 14 (2), pp. 79-100. ISSN: 1684-6443.
Lee, L., & Li, T. Y. (2016). The impact of music activities in a multi-sensory room for children with multiple disabilities on developing positive emotions: a case study. Journal of the European Teacher Education Network, 11, pp. 1-12. ISSN: 2183-2234.
Lee, L. (2015). Investigating the impact of music activities incorporating Soundbeam Technology on children with multiple disabilities. Journal of the European Teacher Education Network, 10, pp. 1-12. ISSN: 2183-2234.
Lee, L., & Lin, S. C. (2015). The impact of music activities on foreign language, English learning for young children. Journal of the European Teacher Education Network, 10, pp. 13-23. ISSN: 2183-2234.
Lee, L., (2013). Learning English Through Music for Children under 6. The Learning Teacher Magazine. 4 (4), pp. 8-9, ISSN:2000-2610.
Lee, L., & Lin, S. (2013). Evaluating the use of music with teaching aids in a multi-sensory environment on developing children with disabilities positive emotions and communication skills. In J. Portela, I. Vale, F. Huckaby, & G. Bieger (eds). The Proceeding of the 23rd Annual Conference of the European Teacher Education Network (ETEN) (pp. 143-162). Published jointly by ETEN, Instituto Politecnico de Viana do Castelo, Escola Superior de Educacao, Texas Christian University, and Indiana University of Pennsylvannia. ISBN: 978-989-95980-7-2.
Lee, L., & McCord, K. (2012). Using music technology with young children with autism: two case studies. Proceedings of the 30th ISME World Conference on Music Education. pp. 195-211. ISBN: 978-0-9806310-0-5.
Lee, L., & Liu, H. (2012). Evaluating the effectiveness of music activities on emotions and communication for a child with autism in a multi-sensory environment. Proceedings of the 18th International Seminar of the Commission on Music in Special Education, Music Therapy, and Music Medicine. (Ed.). Lyn E. Schraer-Joiner, ISBN: 9780987351166 (ebook), (Nedlands, W.A.: International Society for Music Education), 2012.
Lee, L. (2012). Music, a wonderful window for young children's learning. The Learning Teacher Magazine. 3 (2), pp. 6-7, ISSN:2000-2610.
Lee, L. (2011). A study of the use of technology of sounds and physical movement with visually Impaired children. Chaoyang Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 9 (2), ISSN:1684-6443.
Lee, L. (2011). A Case Study on Integrating Soundbeam Technology and Music Activities to Enhance a Special Needs Child's Development of Motor Skills and Attention Span. Chaoyang Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 9 (1), pp. 87-108, ISSN:1684-6443.
Lee, L. (2011). Music, a natural connection for young learners' development. In K. Kumpulainen & A. Toom (eds.), The Proceeding of the 21st Annual Conference of the European Teacher Education Network (ETEN). Published jointly by ETEN, the University of Helsinki, pp. 16-22, ISBN: 978-952-10-6859-1.
Lee, L. (2010). Assessing the Effectiveness of Applying Soundbeam Technology on Enhancing an Autistic Child's Disruptive Behaviors and Development. Proceeding of the ISME Commission Seminar on Music in Special Education, Music Therapy, and Music Medicine (pp. 8-22). International Society for Music Education, ISBN: 0-9752063-5-4.
Lee, L. (2010). Music Therapy Enhances Attention Span and Promotes Language Ability in Young Special Needs Children. Proceeding of the ISME Commission Seminar on Music in Special Education, Music Therapy, and Music Medicine (pp. 34-45). International Society for Music Education, ISBN: 0-9752063-5-4.
Lee, L. (2010). The Use of Musical Instruments and Supplemental Materials to Enhance Spoken Language Acquisition by Children with Autism: A Case Study. Proceeding of the ISME Commission Seminar on Music in Special Education, Music Therapy, and Music Medicine (pp. 83-94). International Society for Music Education, ISBN: 0-9752063-5-4.
Lee, L. (2010). An empirical study on teaching a foreign language through music to preschoolers at an inclusive class in Taiwan. Proceeding of the 29th International Society for Music Education World Conference (pp.120-123). ISBN: 978-0-9806310-0-5.
Lee, L. (2009). An Action Study on Developing Young Children's Creativity and Physical Movement through Modern Technology. Chaoyang Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 7 (2), pp. 1-40. ISSN: 1684-6443.
Lee, L. (2009). An Empirical Study of Teaching Urban Young Children Music and English by Contrastive Elements of Music and Songs. Journal of US-China Education Review, 6 (3). pp. 27-39. ISSN: 1548-6613,USA.
Lee, L. (2008). An Empirical Study on Application of Music Therapy to Develop Young Special Needs Children's Language Ability. Chaoyang Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 6 (1), pp. 19-60. ISSN: 1684-6443.
Lee, L. (2007). Exploring the Efficiency of Music Therapy in Enhancing the Attention Span of Young Special Needs Children. Chaoyang Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 5 (1), pp. 211-240. ISSN: 1684-6443.
Lee, L. (2007). An Action Study Using Thematic Method of Teaching Young Children English through Music. Kaohsiung Normal University Journal, 22, pp. 1-24. ISSN: 1021-4542.
Lee, L. (2007). An empirical study of using music activities to improve attention span and language ability of three autistic young children. In N. Hall (ed.), The Proceeding of th 17th Annual Conference of the European Teacher Education Network (ETEN) (pp.151-158). Published jointly by ETEN, the University of Greenwich and Escola Superior de Educacao, Instituto de Politecnico, ISBN: 978-1-86166-238-5.
Lee, L. (2006). Music Education In The Facilitation Of Social And Behavioral Changes In A Cohort Of Autistic Children. In M. Prause-Weber (ed.), Musica - res severa verum gaudium - Proceeding of the ISME Commission Seminar on Music in Special Education, Music Therapy, and Music Medicine (pp. 29-36). International Society for Music Education, ISBN: 0-9752063-5-4.
Lee, L. (2005). Musical Training in the Advancement of Linguistic and Cultural Knowledge in a Cohort of Taiwanese University Early Childhood Education Majors. The Journal of Chaoyang University of Technology, 10, pp. 269-279, ISSN: 1026-244X.
Lee, L. (2005). An Empirical Study of Using Music Education to Connect Young Children with Chinese Culture and Chinese Language. Chaoyang Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 3 (1), pp. 31-58. ISSN: 1684-6443.
Lee, L., & Lee, R. (2005). Designing, implementing and analyzing a music curriculum for infants. The Education Journal of National Changhua University of Education, 8, pp.27-66.
Lee, L., Chan, N. Y., Ho, H. J., Cheng, J. G., & Su, C. (2005). To explore the efficiency of music therapy for the development of a group of autistic children. Journal of Special Education, 21, pp.1-24.
Lee, L. (2003). The key of success for young children - intellectual future. Young Children Education, 270, pp22-23.
Lee, L. (2001/May). Music Verses Language, Journal of New Jersey Chinese Association Chinese School, 56-57.
Lee, L. & Huang, S. (2024/Apr.). Cultivating English Communication Comprehension in Two-Year-Olds via Holistic Music Educational Approach for Young Children. The annual ETEN Conference, NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences, Leeuwarden, The Netherlands, 17-19 April 2024.
Lee, L., Lin, C. H. & Shi. M. C. (2023/Dec.). The Effects for The English Medium Instruction (EMI) Learning on Youtube,Instagram, and Facebook, TED Talks for language learners in Taiwan. The 3rd IEEE International Conference on Social Sciences and Intelligence Management SSIM-2022. Taichung, Taiwan, December 15-17, 2023.
Lee, C., & Lee, L. (2023/Apr.). Learning Language, Mandarin Chinese in a Melodic Way. The annual ETEN Conference, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, German, 13-15 April 2023.
Lee, L., Chang, Y. H., Liang, W. J., & Huang, Y. C. (2022/Nov.). Exploration of Academic Research Trends of Early Childhood Education in Taiwan 2017-2022 Through CATAR. The 2nd IEEE International Conference on Social Sciences and Intelligence Management SSIM-2022. Taichung, Taiwan, November 24-26, 2022.
Lee, L., & Ho, H. J. (2022/Nov.). Music Technology's effects on Learning in Children with Specific needs. The 2nd IEEE International Conference on Social Sciences and Intelligence Management SSIM-2022. Taichung, Taiwan, November 24-26, 2022.
Lee, L., & Lin, C. H. (2022/Nov.). Early Childhood Education for Blended learning, Learning Styles with Music and Technology. The 2nd IEEE International Conference on Social Sciences and Intelligence Management SSIM-2022. Taichung, Taiwan, November 24-26, 2022.
Lin, H. F. *, Lee, L. & Bhargavi, V. (2021/Oct.).A Comparative Study on the Parental Music Literacy of Preschool Children-Taking Taiwan and Southern India as Examples. In Knowledge Innovation on Design and Culture: Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE International Conference on Knowledge Innovation and Invention 2020 (IEEE ICKII 2020). Kaohsiung, Taiwan, August 21-23, 2020. pp. 11-14. https://doi.org/10.1142/9789811238727_0003
Lee, L., Liang, W. J., & Huang, Y. Q. (2021/Aug.). The Use of Doppler Fetal Monitor on Detecting the Fetal Heart Rate in a Holistic Music Educational Approach Class. IEEE International Conference on Social Sciences and Intelligent Management SSIM-2021. Taichung, Taiwan, August 29-31.
Lee, L., & Chang, H. Y. (2021/Aug.). Music Technology as a Means for Fostering Young Children's Social Interaction in an Inclusive Class. IEEE International Conference on Social Sciences and Intelligent Management SSIM-2021. Taichung, Taiwan, August 29-31.
Liao, H. C., Yang, J. S., Chen, G. Y., Huang, Y. M., Lin, H. F., Lee, L. & Lim, Z. Y. (2021/Aug.). Reaction Time Measurement During Music Therapy of Children with Developmental Delays by Utilizing Deep Learning Technique. IEEE International Conference on Social Sciences and Intelligent Management SSIM-2021. Taichung, Taiwan, August 29-31.
Lee, M. G., Kan, Y. C. Lo, H. M., Lee, L., Lee, Z. R. (2021/Aug.). Design Practice of Creative Remote-Controlled Concrete Boat Integrated into the Capstone Course of Construction Engineering. IEEE International Conference on Social Sciences and Intelligent Management SSIM-2021. Taichung, Taiwan, August 29-31.
Lee, L., & Ho, C. L.* (2021/Feb.). The Use of Music Technology Instruments in the Development of Gross Motor Skills in Young Children. The 4th Eurasian Conference on Educational Innovation 2021 (ECEI 2021). Taitung, Taiwan, February 5-7, 2021.
Lakshminarasimhan, V., Bhargavi, V.*, Lakshmi, and Lee, L. (2020/ September). Synesthetic Learning Pedagogy (SLP): An Exploratory Investigation. International Conference on Machine Intelligence and Smart Systems (MISS 2020). September 24-25, 2020, RJIT BSF Academy, Tekanpur, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, India. (Scopus Indexed Conference)
Liou, T. J., Weng, M. W. *, & Lee, L. (2020/September). The Effect of Big data Platforms on Multi-stage Production System in Industrie 4.0. Proceedings of the 2020 2nd International Conference on Computer Software Engineering and applications (CSEA 2020), ISBN: 978-1-4503-8786-6, 48-54. Taichung Software Park, Taiwan, September 18-20, 2020. Publisher: Association for Computing Machinery, New York, USA.https://doi.org/10.1145/3418688.3418697 (Scopus Indexed Conference)
T. M., Weng, M. W. *, & Lee, L. (2020/August). Satisfaction Evaluation of
Child Care Center with Interactive Media. Proceedings
the 4th International Conference on E-Society, E-Education and E-Technology
(ICSET 2020), 52-56. Ming Chuan University, Taipei, Taiwan, August 15-17, 2020.
(Scopus Indexed Conference)
Lee, L., & Lin, H. F. (2020/Feb.). The Impact of a Holistic Music Educational Approach on Young Children learning American English. The 3rd Eurasian Conference on Educational Innovation 2020 (ECEI 2020). Hanoi, Vietnam, February 5-7, 2020. (Scopus Indexed Conference)
Lee, L., & Lin, H. F. (2020/Feb.). A Study on the Application of FigureNotes Teaching Method to Music Needs of Children with Special Needs. The 3rd Eurasian Conference on Educational Innovation 2020 (ECEI 2020). Hanoi, Vietnam, February 5-7, 2020. (Scopus Indexed Conference)
Sung, M. J., & Lee, L. (2019/Nov.). A Study of Investigating Pre-Service Teachers' Attitudes Towards Using e-Learning Resources. Proceedings of the 18th European Conference on e-Learning, ECEL 2019. ISSN: 2048-8637, 2048-8645 ISBN: 978-1-912764-42-6. Aalborg University, Copenhagen, Denmark. 7-8 November, 2019. (Scopus Indexed Conference)
Chan, C. S. C., Chee,T. L., Skinner, A., Pitupumnak, K., & Lee, L. (2019/July). Empowering 21st century workforce skills through creative transmission and multiple pathways in the performing arts. The 45th International Council for Traditional Music (ICTM) World Conference, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand, 11 -17 July 2019.
Lee, L., & Ho, H. J. (2019/May). A pilot study of integrating Figurenotes with Holistic Music Educational Approach on learning behaviors for young children with cerebral palsy. Paper presented at the VIII International Conference "Early Childhood Care and Education" (ECCE 2019), Moscow, Russia, 29 May - 1 June 2019.
Liang, W. J., Lee, L., & Huang, Y. C. (2019/May). A Pilot Study on Fetal Growth Reactions Through the Use of Holistic Music Educational Approach. Paper presented at the VIII International Conference "Early Childhood Care and Education" (ECCE 2019), Moscow, Russia, 29 May - 1 June 2019.
Lee, L., Ho, H. J., Liao, X. D. Liao, Y. X., & Chu, H. C. (2019/May). The impact of using FigureNotes for young children with developmental delay on developing social interactions and physical movements. Paper presented at the 6th IEEE 2019 ICCE-TW: The 6th IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics, Yilan, Taiwan, 20-22 May, 2019. (SCOPUS)
Lee, L., & Ho, H. J. (2019/April). The preliminary effects of the Figurenotes feasibility on language and self-directed competence for the young children with developmental delay. Paper presented at the 29th European Teacher Education Network (ETEN) Conference. Universitat de Vic - Universitat Central de Catalunya, 25-27 April, 2019.
Lee, L., & Ho, H. J. (2018). A Case Study on the Development of a Child with Disabilities and Emotional Stability by Using the Holistic Music Educational Approach. Paper presented at the ISME Commission Seminar, International Society for Music Education. Salzburg Austria, 12th -14th July, 2018.
Lee, L., & Ho, H. J. (2018). Applying Holistic Music Educational Approach for Young Children on Emotional and Behavioral Changes of a Child with Asperger's Syndrome. Paper presented at the 28th European Teacher Education Network (ETEN) Conference. Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 22nd -24th March, 2018.
Lee, L., Yu, Y. U., & Ho, H. J. (2017). Music Educational Therapy as a Means on Developing Positive Emotions for a Young Child with Cerebral Palsy. Paper presented at the 11th Asia-Pacific Symposium on Music Education Research, ISME Asia-Pacific Regional Conference. Malacca, Malaysia, 19th - 21st July, 2017.
Lee, L., & Ho, H. J. (2017). The Exploration of Music Educational Therapy Approach on Developing the Emotional Stability and Communication Skills for Young Children with Severe Disabilities: A Case Study. Paper presented at the 27th European Teacher Education Network (ETEN) Conference. University of Gothenburg, Sweden, 20th -22nd April, 2017.
Lee, L. (2016). Music educational therapy: a new and diversified direction of music education. New Directions for Performance and Music Teacher Education: A Symposium on University Music Education in China. The Arts College of Xiamen University, Xiamen City, Fujian Province, China. 2nd -5th November, 2016.
Lee, L., Chen, H. S., & Hogenes, M. (2016). Music activities for teaching young children with special needs. Workshop paper presented at the 32rd International Society for Music Education World Conference. 24th -29th July, 2016. Glasgow, UK.
Lee, L. (2016). A Case Study of Using Holistic Music Educational Approach on Developing Young Children with Multiple Disabilities Communication Skills and Physical Movement. Paper presented at the ISME Commission Seminar, International Society for Music Education. 20th -23rd July, 2016. Edinburgh, Scotland.
Lee, L. (2016). An Empirical Study of Holistic Music Educational Approach for Young Children on Communication Development. Paper presented at the 26th European Teacher Education Network (ETEN) Conference. Setúbal, Portugal, 14-17 April, 2016.
Lee, L., & Li, T. Y. (2015). The impact of music activities in a multi-sensory room for children with multiple disabilities on developing positive emotions: a case study. Paper presented at the 25th European Teacher Education Network (ETEN) Conference. Copenhagen, Denmark, 16th -19th April, 2015.
Lee, L. (2014). The effect of music activities in a multi-sensory room for children with Asperger's Syndrome on behavioral changes: a case study. Paper presented at the ISME Commission Seminar, International Society for Music Education. July 17-18, 2014. Parana Faculty of Arts, Curitiba, Brazil.
Huang, Y., & Lee, L. (2014). The preliminary study of the use of musical elements on the fetal effects. 2014 Academic Seminar of the Pursuit of Outstanding Professional Development and Education for Young Children. Chaoyang University of Technology.
Lee, T., & Lee, L. (2014). A Pilot Study of Using Music Educational Therapy on Adjusting a Severe Child's Emotional Reponses. 2014 Academic Seminar of the Pursuit of Outstanding Professional Development and Education for Young Children. Chaoyang University of Technology.
Chang, C., & Lee, L. (2014). A Study of the Use of Learning English Through Music Curriculum on Developing Young Children's American English Learning in an Inclusive Setting. 2014 Academic Seminar of the Pursuit of Outstanding Professional Development and Education for Young Children. Chaoyang University of Technology.
Chen, Y., & Lee, L. (2014). A Pilot Study of Using Music Activities on Developing Children's Social Skills and Emotional Expression. 2014 Academic Seminar of the Pursuit of Outstanding Professional Development and Education for Young Children. Chaoyang University of Technology.
Lee, L., & Lin, S. C. (2014). The Impact of Music Activities on Foreign Language, English Learning for Young Children. Paper presented at the 24th European Teacher Education Network (ETEN) Conference. Leipzig, Germany, 3-5 April 2014.
Lee, L., & Lin, S. C. (2013). Evaluating the Use of Music with Teaching Aids in a Multi-sensory Environment on Developing Children with Disabilities Positive Emotions and Communication Skills. Paper presented at the 23st European Teacher Education Network (ETEN) Conference. Brussels, Belgium. 25-27 April 2013.
Lee, L., & McCord, K. (2012). iPads and Electronic Instruments for Children with Autism. Paper presented at the 2012 American Music Therapy Association Conference: Changing Winds: Innovation in Music Therapy, Oct. 11-14, 2012, St. Charles, Illinois, USA.
Lee, L., & Yang, Yen-Hsuan. (2012). Using Music and Assistive Technology in Sensory Play for Children with Disabilities. Paper presented at the 2012 American Music Therapy Association Conference: Changing Winds: Innovation in Music Therapy, Oct. 11-14, 2012, St. Charles, Illinois, USA.
Lee, L., & McCord, K. (2012). Using Music Technology With Young Children with Autism: Two Case Studies. Paper will be presented at the 30th International Society for Music Education World Conference. July 15-20, 2012. Thessaloniki, Greece.
Lee, L., & Liu, H. (2012). Evaluating the Effectiveness of Music Activities on Emotions and Communication for a Child with Autism in a Multi-sensory Environment, Paper will be presented at the ISME Commission Seminar, International Society for Music Education. July 12-14, 2012. University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Lee, L., & Lin, S. (2012). Investigating the Impact of Music Activities Incorporating Soundbeam Technology on Children with Multiple Disabilities. Paper will be presented at The 22st European Teacher Education Network (ETEN) Conference. Coimbra, Portugal. 19-21 April 2012.
Chao, F. L., Lee, L., & Chu, H. C. (2012). A Study on Integrating Distributed Vibrator and Music Activities to Enhance Bodily Movement of Children with Visually Impaired. Paper presented at the 23rd Annual International SITE Conference: Teaching in Exponential Times, Austin, Texas, USA. March 5 - 9, 2012.
Chao, F. L., Lee, L., & Chu, H. C. (2012). A Pilot Study on Applying Combination of Music and Airflow to Enhance Bodily Movement of Visually Impaired. Poster presented at the 23rd Annual International SITE Conference: Teaching in Exponential Times, Austin, Texas, USA. March 5 - 9, 2012.
Chao, F. L., Lee, L., & Chu, H. C. (2012). Robotic Supported Posture Learning for Visually Impaired Children. Poster presented at the 23rd Annual International SITE Conference: Teaching in Exponential Times, Austin, Texas, USA. March 5 - 9, 2012.
Lee, L. (2011). A Study on the Use of Technology of Sounds and Music Activities on Developing Children with Visually Impaired Physical Movement. Paper presented at The 8th Asia-Pacific Symposium on Music Education Research, ISME Asia-Pacific Regional Conference. Taipei Municipal University of Education, Taipei, Taiwan. 4-6 July 2011.
Lee, L. (2011). Music, a Natural Connection for Young Learners' Development. Paper presented at The 21st European Teacher Education Network (ETEN) Conference. Amsterdam Institute of Education, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 14-17 April 2011.
Lee, L. (2010). A Case Study on Evaluating the Effectiveness of Applying Soundbeam Technology on Enhancing an Autistic Child's Development. Paper presented at the AOSA Conference in Spokane, November 3 - 6, 2011.
Lee, L. (2010). Assessing the Effectiveness of Applying Soundbeam Technology on Enhancing an Autistic Child's Disruptive Behaviors and Development, Paper presented at the ISME Commission Seminar, International Society for Music Education. Beijing, China.
Lee, L. (2010). An empirical study on teaching a foreign language through music to preschoolers at an inclusive class in Taiwan. Paper presented at the 29th International Society for Music Education World Conference. Beijing, China.
Lee, L. (2009). A Case Study on Integrating Soundbeam Technology and Music Activities to Enhance a Special Needs Child's Development of Motor Skills and Attention Span. Paper presented for EAPRIL conference / 4th European Conference on Practice-based and Practitioner Research on Learning and Instruction, Trier, Germany from 18th until 20th of November, 2009.
Lee, L. (2009). The Meaningful Melody: Understanding the Deep Connections between Music and Young Children's Development. Paper presented at the National Music Education Conference of China, 23-27 August, 2009, Beijing, China.
Lee, L. (2008). An Empirical Study of Teaching Urban Young Children Music and English by Contrastive Elements of Music and Songs. Paper presented at the European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), 10-12 September 2008, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Lee, L. (2008). The Use of Musical Instruments and Supplemental Materials to Enhance Spoken Language Acquisition by Children with Autism: A Case Study. Paper presented at the Commission Seminar in Bologna, and the Special Session at the 28th ISME World Conference. Bologna, Italy.
Lee, L. (2008). The Application of Drama and Music Skills in Teaching Special Needs Children. The workshop paper presented at the Commission Seminar in Bologna, and the Special Session at the 28th ISME World Conference. Bologna, Italy.
Lee, L. (2008). An Empirical Study on Application of Music Therapy to Develop Young Special Needs Children's Language Ability. The Research Achievement Seminar of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences in Chaoyang University of Technology for the 2007 Academic Year, pp.214-249. Chaoyang University of Technology.
Lee, L. (2008). Introduction of Soundbeam Technology at Chaoyang University of Technology. International Conference for the 2007-2008 Academic Year. The Application of Technology for Early Childhood Education and Special Education, pp. 6-32. Chaoyang University of Technology.
Lee, L. (2008). An Action Study on Using Technology to Develop Young Children's Creativity. International Conference for the 2007-2008 Academic Year. The Application of Technology for Early Childhood Education and Special Education, pp. 33-44. Chaoyang University of Technology.
Lee, L. (2007). An Empirical Study of Using Music Activities to Improve Attention Span and Language Ability of Three Autistic Young Children. Paper presented at The European Teacher Education Network (ETEN) Conference. Porto, Portugal 19-21 April 2007.
Lee, L. (2006). Music Therapy Enhances Attention Span and Promotes Language Ability in Young Special Needs Children. Paper presented at the Commission Seminar in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia, and the Special Session at the 27th ISME World Conference. Kuala Lumpur Malaysia.
Lee, L. (2006). Musical Storytelling: Becoming the Focus of Attention. The workshop paper presented at the Commission Seminar in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia, and the Special Session at the 27th ISME World Conference. Kuala Lumpur Malaysia.
Lee, L., Chan, N. Y., Ho, H. J., & Lin, R. Y. (2006). To Explore the Efficiency of Music Activities in Enhancing the Attention Span of Young Special Needs Children. The Research Achievement Seminar of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences in Chaoyang University of Technology for the 2006 Academic Year, pp.1-35. Chaoyang University of Technology.
Lee, L. (2005). Music in the Global Classroom. Paper presented at Hayes School of Music, Appalachian State University. North Carolina, USA.
Lee, L. (2005). Global Diplomacy and Music Exchange: A Taiwanese/American Perspective. Paper presented at the Fourth International Research in Music Education (RIME) Conference. Exeter, UK.
Lee, L., & Lee, R. (2005). Designing, implementing and analyzing a music curriculum for infants. Academic Seminar of the Development and Education of Infants and Young Children, pp.20-41. Chaoyang University of Technology.
Lee, L., Chan, N. Y., Ho, H. J., Cheng, J. G., & Su, C. (2005). To explore the efficiency of music therapy for the development of a group of autistic children. Academic Seminar of the Development and Education of Infants and Young Children, pp. 1-21. Chaoyang University of Technology.
Lee, L. (2004). Music Education in the facilitation of social and behavioral changes in a cohort of Taiwanese autistic children. The Seminar of promoting teachers' practical ability and exchanging experiences of counseling the industry fields for the 2006 Academic Year. Chaoyang University of Technology.
Lee, L. (2004). Using Musical Improvisation to Effect Linguistic and Behavioral Changes in A Cohort of Taiwanese Autistic Children. Paper presented at the Sixth Annual American Music Therapy Association (AMTA) Conference. Austin, USA.
Lee, L. (2004). Changing Social Activity and Behavior of Taiwanese Autistic Children through Music Therapy. The 5th National Congress of Early Intervention Program for Children with Developmental Disability, pp. 125-131. Taiwan, Kaohsiung: The Republic of China of Association of Children with Developmental Disability.
Lee, L. (2004). Music Education in the facilitation of social and behavioral changes in a cohort of autistic children. Paper presented at the 26th International Society for Music Education - ISME World Conference. Tenerife, Canary Islands, & Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain.
Lee, L. (2003). Music, Social Interaction and Culture: A Curriculum Model to Teach Language, Self, and Identity to Preschool Children of Dual Cultures. Paper presented at Australia Society for Music Education (ASME), Music--Culture--Society: A Symposium in Memory of John Blacking. Perth, Australia.
Lee, L. (2003). Music and Cognition: A Curriculum Model to Teach Language, Culture, and Self-Identity to Preschool Children of Dual Cultures. Paper presented at the Conference of the National Association for Music Education - MENC.
Lee, L. (2002). The importance of music education. A Created Seminar of Kindergarten Education and Teaching, pp. B1-21. Center of Teacher Education, Chen Shiu University.
Lee, L. (2002). Using Music Education to Connect Young Children with Chinese and Language Culture. Paper presented at the 44th Annual Conference of the American Association for Chinese Studies. California, USA.
Lee, L. (2024/April). Harmony in Play: Nurturing Early Development Through Musical Exploration. Guest Lecture was invited to present at Seminar of International Week. NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences, Leeuwarden, The Netherlands, 22-26 April 2024.
Lee, L. (2024/Feb.). Dynamics of Musical Notes: Teaching Young Children on Multiple Developments. Lecture was invited to present at Seminar of International Week. VIVES University of Applied Sciences, Belgium, 6-8 Febuary, 2024.
Lee, L. (2023/Sept.). Holistic Music Educational Approach for Teaching Young Children in Multiple Domains. Lecture was invited to present at Kristianstad University, Sweden, 18-20 September, 2023.
Lee, L. (2023). Holistic Music Educational Approach for Teaching Young Children on Multiple Developments. Lecture was invited to present at Ismail Qemali University of Vlorë, Albania, 22-28 June, 2023.
Lee, L. (2020). Taiwan Music AR Multi-sensory
Picture Book. Lecture was invited to present at National Taiwan
Symphony Orchestra, Taiwan, 14 July, 2020.
Lee, L. (2019). Holistic Music Educational Approach for Teaching Young Children on Multiple Developments. Lecture was invited to present at Liepaja University, Latvia, 9 December, 2019.
Lee, L. (2019). Globalization in Chaoyang University of Technology. Lecture was invited to present at Masaryk University, Brno, the Czech Republic, 6 December, 2019.
Lee, L. (2019). Globalization in Chaoyang University of Technology. Lecture was invited to present at Seminar of International Week for Staff. Kirchliche Pädagogische Hochschule Wien/Krems, Vienna, Austria, 2-5 December, 2019.
Lee, L. (2019). Journey to the West. Lecture was invited to present at Seminar of International Week. Kirchliche Pädagogische Hochschule Wien/Krems, Vienna, Austria, 13-17 May, 2019.
Lee, L. (2019). Holistic Music Educational Approach for Teaching Young Children on Multiple Developments. Lecture was invited to present at Seminar of International Week. Universitat de Vic, Barcelona, Spain, 25-27 April, 2019.
Lee, L. (2018). Holistic Music Educational Approach for Young Children
-- a new and diversified direction of early childhood education. Lecture was invited to present at Chinese Tienn Montessori Institute, China: Beijing. 9th December, 2018.
Lee, L. (2018). Holistic Music Educational Approach for Teaching Young Children on Multiple Developments. Lecture was invited to present at Seminar of International Week. Malmö University, 21st & 22nd November, 2018.
Lee, L. (2018). Holistic Music Educational Approach for Young Children. Lecture was invited to present at College of Education Sciences. China: Hui Zhou, 6th ~8th November, 2018.
Lee, L. (2018). Holistic Music Educational Approach for Teaching Young Children on Multiple Developments. Lecture was invited to present at Seminar of International Week. Ball State University, 18th September, 2018.
Lee, L. (2018). Holistic Music Educational Approach for Teaching Young Children on Multiple Developments. Lecture was invited to present at Seminar of International Week. Diponegoro University, Indonesia, 5th ~7th September, 2018.
Lee, L. (2018). Holistic Music Educational Approach for Teaching Young Children on Multiple Developments. Lecture was invited to present at Masaryk University, Brno, the Czech Republic, 17 July, 2018.
Lee, L. (2018). Holistic Music Educational Approach for Teaching Young Children on Multiple Developments. Lecture was invited to present at Seminar of International Week. Kirchliche Pädagogische Hochschule Wien/Krems, Vienna, Austria, 14th May-18th May, 2018.
Lee, L. (2018). Holistic Music Educational Approach for Teaching Young Children on Multiple Developments. Lecture was invited to present at Seminar of International Week. Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 19th March-20th March, 2018.
Lee, L. (2017). A Report on Hands-on researches of HMEAYC. Lecture was invited to present at 2017 European & Asian Preschool Education Forum, Haikum Educational Development Research Center. China: Jinan, Shandong. 2nd December, 2017.
Lee, L. (2017). Holistic Music Educational Approach for Teaching Young Children on Multiple Developments. Lecture was invited to present at Karel de Grote University College, Belgium. 27th September, 2017.
Lee, L. (2017). Holistic Music Educational Approach for Teaching Young Children on Multiple Developments. Lecture was invited to present at Seminar of International Week. University of Gothenburg, Sweden. 18th April-19th April, 2017.
Lee, L. (2017). Music, A Magic Power for Young Children. Lecture was invited to present at 2017 International Workshop of Music Education for Young Children. Chaoyang University of Technology, Taichung, Taiwan, 7th March, 2017.
Lee, L. (2017). Holistic Music Educational Approach for Teaching Young Children on Multiple Developments. Lecture was invited to present at Seminar of International Week. University Colllege UCC, Copenhagen, Denmark. 27th Feburary-1st March, 2017.
Lee, L. (2016). Holistic Music Educational Approach for Young Children. Lecture was invited to present at Chinese Tienn Montessori Institute, China. 26th March~5th April, 2016.
Lee, L. (2016). Music, the Key for Young Children with Disabilities. Lecture was invited to present at Education Congress. Guangdong, China. 21st March, 2016.
Lee, L. (2016). Sharing the positive research results of "Holistic Music Educational Approach" for young children in Taiwan. Lecture was invited to present at Seminar of International Week. University Colllege UCC, Copenhagen, Denmark. 29th Feburary-2nd March, 2016.
Lee, L. (2015). Introduction to Music Education Center for Holistic Children at Chaoyang University of Technology, Taiwan. Invited speech at the International Week, Mondragon University, Spain, 21st-23rd September 2015.
Lee, L. (2015). The theory and implementation of Holistic Music Educational Approach. The International Forum of Early Childhood Education in Qindou, June 13th ~14th, China: Qindao.
Lee, L. (2015). The application and design principle of music curriculum for young children, 73-85. 2015 Asian Forum for Early Childhood Education. Taiwan: National Chengchi University, May 23rd, 2015.
Lee, L. (2015). Music, a natural connection of multiple intelligences for infants, toddlers and young children. The 1st International Education Forum in Chindou, April 29th~May 9th, China: Qindao.
Lee, L. (2015). Music, a natural connection for young learners' development. Lecture was invited to present at Seminar of International Week. University Colllege UCC, Copenhagen, Denmark. 15th April, 2015.
Lee, L. (2015). The learning platform of European Universities- The Experience Sharing of ETEN Cooperation in 2015. Seminar on Internationalization - Connecting with Europe & America. Taiwan: Chaoyang University of Technology.
Lee, L. (2014). The essential of Holistic Music Educational Approach for Young Children. Invited speech at the Press Conference of Chinese Tienn Montessori Institute, Chinese: Beijing. December 28th, 2014.
Lee, L. (2013). Using Music, Teaching Aids and Assistive Technology in Sensory Play for Children with Disabilities. Paper presented at Limburg Catholic University College, Hasselt, Belgium. 24th April~4th May, 2013.
Lee, L. (2012). Using Music and Assistive Technology and Materials in a Multi-sensory Environment for children with Disabilities. Paper presented at Texas Christian University, Texas, USA. 25th September 2012.
Lee, L. (2011). The Applications of Using Soundbeam Technology and Music Activities in Therapeutic and Educational Settings. Paper presented at The Music Therapy Workshop, Taiwan Kodaly Society Conference. National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan. 7th-9th July 2011.
Lee, L. (2011). The Applications of Music Activities and Music Technology for Children with Special Needs Development. Paper was invited to present at New Jersey Music Educators Association State Conference - Music Lasts A Lifetime, Skype Conferencing, 26th-27th February 2011, New Jersey, USA.
Lee, L. (2009). The Meaningful Melody: Understanding the Deep Connections between Music and Young Children's Development. Paper was invited to present at the "National Music Education Conference of China", 23rd-27th August 2009, Beijing, China.
Lee, L. (2008). An Empirical Study on Application of Music Therapy to Develop Young Special Needs Children's Language Ability. The Seminar of promoting teachers' practical ability and exchanging experiences of counseling the industry fields for the 2006 Academic Year. Chaoyang University of Technology. pp. 214-249.
Lee, L. (2008). Introduction of Soundbeam Technology at Chaoyang University of Technology. International Conference for the 2007-2008 Academic Year. The Application of Technology for Early Childhood Education and Special Education. pp. 6-32.
Lee, L. (2008). An Action Study on Using Technology to Develop Young Children's Creativity. International Conference for the 2007-2008 Academic Year. The Application of Technology for Early Childhood Education and Special Education. pp. 33-44.
CDS & VCDS-Non-juried
Lee, L. (2023/09). Liza's Composition Collection –Rearranged version I.
Lee, L. (2023/09). Liza's Composition Collection –Rearranged version II.
Lee, L. (2023/09). Liza's Composition Collection –Rearranged version III.
Lee, L. (2023/09). Liza's Composition Collection –Relaxation
Music Compilation I.
Lee, L. (2009). Liza's Creative Music. CDs: X, XI, XII, XIII, XIV.
Lee, L. (2008). Liza's Creative Music. CDs: VII, VIII, IX.
Lee, L. (2007). Liza's Creative Music. CDs: IV, V, VI.
Lee, L.(2006). CD: Let's listen the rain.
Lee, L. (2005). Musical Storytelling VCD: Guess how much I love you.
Lee, L. (2005). VCD: the introduction to the instruments of the piano room.
Lee, L. (2005). CD: the introduction to the instruments of the piano room.
Lee, L. (2005). VCD: Music Education for 0-year-old.
Lee, L. (2005). Musical Storytelling VCD: The thunder family's forest party.
Lee, L. (2005). CD: Music collection for Changhua Da-Cheng Elementary School's affiliated kindergarten.
Lee, L. (2005). Teaching VCD: Learning English through Music.
Lee, L. (2004). CD: Creative Music for Young Children I & Sheet Music.
Lee, L. (2004). CD: Creative Music for Young Children II & Sheet Music.
Lee, L. (2004). Teaching VCD: Music Therapy for Young Children.
Lee, L. (2004). Teaching VCD: Music Teaching for 0 to 1-year-old.
Lee, L. (2004). Teaching VCD: Music Education for 0 to 1-year-old, fall,2004.
Lee, L. (2004). Teaching VCD: Music Education for 1 to 2-year-old, fall,2004
Lee, L. (2004). Teaching VCD: Music Therapy for Preschoolers.
Lee, L. (2004). CD: Ensemble Music of Music Therapy for Young Children.
Lee, L. (2003). Chinese Festivals and Holidays, NY: New York Institute For Social Research.
Lee, L. (2002). Four Seasons, (Children's Picture Book), NY: New York Institute For Social Research.
Lee, L. (2002). I Am Mommy's Beautiful Baby, (Children's Picture Book), NY: New York Institute For Social Research.
Lee, L. (2002). My Home, (Children's Picture Book), NY: New York Institute For Social Research.
Lee, L. (2002). The Opposite Land, (Children's Picture Book), NY: New York Institute For Social Research.
Lee, L.(2000). VCD: Piano Trio Music From Formosa.
Lee, L.(1999). CD: The Parent-child Learning Program.
Popularized Articles
Lee, L. (2008). Play music with Baby. Special Column of Montessori Bimonthly, 78, pp. 28-29. ISSN:010277765-9.
Lee, L. (2008). Play music with Baby. Special Column of Montessori Bimonthly, 77, pp. 28-29. ISSN:010277765-9.
Lee, L. (2008). Play music with Baby. Special Column of Montessori Bimonthly, 76, pp. 28-29. ISSN:010277765-9.
Lee, L. (2008). Play music with Baby. Special Column of Montessori Bimonthly, 75, pp. 30-31. ISSN:010277765-9.
Lee, L. (2007). Play music with Baby. Special Column of Montessori Bimonthly, 74, pp. 28-29. ISSN:010277765-9.
Lee, L. (2007). Play music with Baby. Special Column of Montessori Bimonthly, 73, pp. 30-31. ISSN:010277765-9.
Lee, L. (2007). Play music with Baby. Special Column of Montessori Bimonthly, 72, pp. 28-29. ISSN:010277765-9.
Lee, L. (2007). Play music with Baby. Special Column of Montessori Bimonthly, 71, pp. 28-29. ISSN:010277765-9.
Lee, L. (2007). Play music with Baby. Special Column of Montessori Bimonthly, 70, pp. 26-27. ISSN:010277765-9.
Lee, L. (2006). Play music with Baby. Special Column of Montessori Bimonthly, 69, pp. 32-33. ISSN:010277765-9.
Lee, L. (2006). Play music with Baby. Special Column of Montessori Bimonthly, 68, pp. 34-35. ISSN:010277765-9.
Lee, L. (2006). Play music with Baby. Special Column of Montessori Bimonthly, 67, pp. 32-33. ISSN:010277765-9.
Lee, L. (2006). Play music with Baby. Special Column of Montessori Bimonthly, 66, pp. 34-35. ISSN:010277765-9.
Lee, L. (2006). Play music with Baby. Special Column of Montessori Bimonthly, 65, pp. 32-33. ISSN:010277765-9.
Lee, L. (2006). Play music with Baby. Special Column of Montessori Bimonthly, 64, pp. 30-31. ISSN:010277765-9.
Lee, L. (2006). Play music with Baby. Special Column of Montessori Bimonthly, 63, pp. 32-33. ISSN:010277765-9.
Lee, L. (2005). Play music with Baby. Special Column of Montessori Bimonthly, 62, pp. 26-27. ISSN:010277765-9.
Lee, L. (2005). Play music with Baby. Special Column of Montessori Bimonthly, 61, pp. 34-35. ISSN:010277765-9.
Lee, L., & Gardner, J. (2003). Free students from China's shackles. Taipei Times, October 6.
Lee, L. (2003). The key of Taiwanese future success: music. Liberty Times, October 23.