


因應智慧化時代的來臨,本校之科學研究必須與時俱進、找到定位、發展特色,才能配合本校之發展藍圖,持續追求國際一流地位,點亮本校的未來,讓校務永續發展。因而整合人文暨社會和管理學院之辦學特色,成立「朝陽學術聲望與出版能量提升特色計畫 」(Chaoyang Academic Prestige Promotion Project)。落實「深耕台灣、邁向國際、永續發展」之願景。本重點特色計畫將結合兩院各系所專業學群的優勢,訂定研究發展的方向,透過本重點特色計畫的成立與執行相關計畫,為本校提供一個結合人文社會、商業與管理相關領域的國際學術研討會場域,提高學術發表的質量,以提升研究水準並促進國際間之學術交流。而此國際級研討會的成立與辦理,更有助於建立國內外之學術界脈動緊密結合。另外,本重點特色計畫亦以籌辦Scopus國際學術期刊為目標之一,藉由國際研討會和國際期刊之辦理,提升本校Scopus論文數量與質量,建立本校國際學術聲望,以達永續經營之願景。而本重點特色計畫之團隊將由賴奎魁副校長領軍,結合人文暨社會和管理學院之院長、主任以及菁英教師,透過緊密的合作和籌畫,善盡職責並且分層完成所應履行的各項重點特色計畫工作任務,預計可有效地幫助本校的全球學術排名更上一層樓。 

朝陽科技大學校級「全幼兒發展教育研究中心」計畫 (2018/08~迄今)

本校校級重點特色計畫「全幼兒音樂教育中心計畫」於107年7月31日執行期滿。該計畫以人才培訓、產學合作、技術研發及設備儀器為面向執行,成果豐碩,舉凡家扶基金會臺中發展學園與中國大陸珠江鋼琴文化、海鯤教育發展研究中心與山東威海等合作發展仍持續深化中。計畫執行期間已為合作單位以及本校幼保系培育出相關人才,同時亦將計畫執行成果在歐洲教師教育網絡(European Teacher Education Network-ETEN)、國際音樂教育學會(International Society for Music Education)與亞太音樂教育研究研討會 (Asia-Pacific Symposium on Music Education Research)等著名國際學術平台進行發表與交流,提升朝陽之學術地位與國際能見度。今擬於「全幼兒音樂教育中心計畫」執行期滿後將其延續擴充為「全幼兒發展教育研究中心計畫」,為期2年。本計畫將在「全幼兒音樂教育中心計畫」奠立的發展經驗與基礎上,秉持「長期深耕、多元開展、雙向互惠」理念,結合本校行政單位、幼兒保育系、應用英語系與朝陽附設幼兒園等軟硬體、師資資源,對內因應教育政策與社會發展,對外呼應政府「南向政策」,以「經貿合作」、「人才交流」、「資源共享」與「區域鏈結」為軸心,拓展交流本校幼兒發展理論與實務之經驗至東南亞東協國家,培育「南向政策」所需人才,同時開拓深化相關國家青年學者、學生、產業人力之交流與培育,促進與夥伴國之人才資源的互補與共享。計畫以全發展教育(Holistic Educational Approach)為基礎,以3年為期,逐年執行目標,考核修訂,以「全幼兒音樂教育中心計畫」經驗,結合幼保與應英系,進行國內外客製化的幼兒教保專業與主題教學美語課程之師資培訓,並結合本校幼兒園為沙盒,培育拓展中心所需人力、驗證並修正精進並展示計畫之教學成果,俾利將其結合產學與學術發表。 


 2010-2012 一般型計劃-「觸覺感知輔助科技於視力障礙兒童肢體律動應用」99-2221-E-324-026-MY2 

2009-2010 一般型計劃-「聲音與肢體律動輔助科技應用於視力障礙兒童教育之研究」NSC98-2511-S-324-005


2020 /02~2022/07 Maternal perceptions of maternal-infant attachment linked with maternal infant-directed musical activities in urbanized populations

2011-2013 SUNY COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) Project

2010-2012 FIPSE (Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education)





教育部深耕計畫 (2015/08~2016/07)


教育部補助辦理公私立幼稚園輔導計畫 -「南投縣公立炎峰小附設幼稚園」(2011-2012)

教育部補助辦理公私立幼稚園輔導計畫 -「南投縣瑞竹國小附設幼稚園」(2008-2009)

教育部補助辦理公私立幼稚園輔導計畫 -「台中市私立台安幼稚園」(2007-2009)

教育部補助辦理公私立幼稚園輔導計畫 -「彰化縣私立樂耕托兒所」(2007-2008)

教育部補助朝陽科技大學96年度中長程校務發展計畫之行動方案 設立聲音光束科技兒童發展中心」與「運用現代科技發展幼兒創造力及提昇肢體動作之行動研究」(2007)


朝陽科技大學校級重點特色計畫--「朝陽學術聲望推廣與出版能量提升重點特色計畫」Chaoyang Academic Prestige Promotion Project (2020-迄今)



"全幼兒音樂教育"是本計畫案主持人經多年理論和實務研究而提出的一個關於0-6歲幼兒教育的新概念和新操作模式,其主要的內涵是指通過音樂教學方式而實現幼兒在全部身心領域的發展。在已經執行完成的"100-103年中長程校務發展計畫之行動方案:改善專業教室教學設備及教材-協助創新朝陽幼保系課程特色計畫"的基礎上,加上歷年來已累積的國際交流合作網絡,從2010年至2014年因此專業而受邀訪問講學的國家包括:美國紐約州立大學奧斯特分校(SUNY Ulster, 2010~2011)、美國伊利諾州立大學(Illinois State University, 2010~2011)、荷蘭海牙大學(The Hague University, 2012; 2013)、美國德州基督教大學(Texas Christian University, 2012)、比利時林堡大學(Limburg Catholic University, 2013) 、丹麥 VIA大學 (VIA University, 2013)、德國萊比錫大學(University of Leipzig, 2014)、土耳其業吉大學(Ege University, 2014),所有研究和產學合作績效均足以展現本計畫雄厚執行基礎的資訊。












朝陽科技大學委託研究計畫 -「運用音樂治療發展特殊幼兒語言能力之實徵性研究」(2007)

朝陽科技大學人文暨社會學院研究計畫 -運用音樂提升特殊幼兒注意力之成效探討(2006)

朝陽科技大學「95年度獎勵大學教學卓越計畫─子計畫3鼓勵師生參與實務專題製作計畫」 -主題式音樂美語教學對幼兒學習美語之行動研究(2006)


國立臺灣交響樂團-109年藝文場館(域)研發文化體驗內容「Find Your Symphony DNA」計畫 (2020/06~2020/11)




台中市私立家扶發展學園 音樂融入特殊幼兒學習發展合作計畫UT99-DTF3-0-007(2010~2012) 

「東森Yo Yo幼兒園96學年度英文音樂教材及中文音樂教材(2007~2008)


University Grant Project: Chaoyang Academic Prestige Promotion Project-2019/09~Present 

In the ascending era of smart technologies, the scientific research of our University must keep pace. We must determine our direction from our strengths. In doing so, the University may be in coordination with its development roadmap and pursue to become a first-class international university and brighten the institute's outlook within a sustainable framework. By bringing together the College of Humanities & Social Science, and the College of Management, the Chaoyang Academic Prestige Promotion Project is to be established. This will realize the vision of "Sustainable development, cultivating deeply from Taiwan and outreaching internationally". From the areas of excellence in both academics, the Center is to determine the direction of research and development. Through implementing related programs, the Center will provide the University with international conferences that integrate relevant fields to achieve a higher quality of academic work, thereby, bring research standards, as well as promote international academic exchanges. The administering of such international-level conferences will further connect the academic ecosystems at home and abroad. In addition, the Center also aims at managing international Scopus journals. Establishing the works with conferences and journals will benefit the number and the quality of Scopus papers. In turn, this will assist the University to attain academic recognition internationally, and thus achieve the vision of sustainable operation. The project will be led by Vice President Kui-Kui Lai, with members such as the deans, directors, and high caliber faculty staff from the Colleges of Humanities & Social as well as Management. Through close cooperation and planning, members will fulfill the mission. This will ultimately take the University to a higher, global level. 

University Grant Project : Research Center of Holistic Development for Young Children (2018~2021)

The goal of this project is to examine the effectiveness of Holistic Development for Young Children.

The University's featured Project of 'Center of Holistic Music Educational Approach for Young Children' of Chaoyang University is completed in July 2018. The core of the Project was formed and tumbled around a crosspiece-1) the cultivation of a workforce of expertise, 2) the academic-industry collaboration, 3) the development of theory and practice, and 4) the incorporation of hardware in holistic music education to develop young children. The project has yielded cheerful results in academic-industry collaborations at home and abroad, including teaching and teacher training at the Child Development Learning Center of Taiwan Fund for Children and Families, Taichung; and the music teaching demos and educational development in Guangdong, Zhejiang, and Shandong of mainland China. Part of the results from the Project was also shared at meetings of the European Teacher Education Network (ETEN), the International Society for Music Education (ISME), and the Asia-Pacific Symposium on Music Education Research (APSMER). As the project is successful with fruitful results, the creation of 'Research Center of Holistic Development for Young Children' is proposed to deepen and expand it. The project plans to weld together faculty and staffs, and resources from within Chaoyang; the Department of Early Childhood Development and Education and Department of Applied English will be responsible for workshop organization, curriculum planning, and teacher training to meet the needs of childhood development/education institutes in Taiwan and countries, specifically ASEAN countries, across Southeast Asia. The accessory Preschool at CYUT will serve as the sandbox to try out an innovative holistic teaching approach and train students at Chaoyang in that light for young children's development and a window to showcase the results of the proposed project. The 3-year project will be run in the underpinnings of 1) 'Southbound' to collaborate with the government's policy and help develop education and children in the neighborhood, 2) 'Economy-and-Trade Collaboration,' 3) 'Exchange of Expertise' and 4) 'Sharing of Resources' with goals and benchmarks set to evaluate and elaborate them. The ultimate goal is to create a self-sufficient, sustainable university-level center on campus that serves as a forge to weld, hammer out, and polish practical theories and train apprentices under the tent of a holistic approach to developing children by the sharing of experiences from masters such as teachers, researchers and pre-school/daycare runners across the world. The organization of the project is as follows: the first part details the backgrounds and competitive niche of the proposed center and the markets it targets. The Center's mission and vision are elucidated subsequently and are followed the tasks and characteristics of the Center. The team and the organization of the Center are charted, along with the fruitful works by team members in the most recent 3 years. The execution and budget plans are unfolded annually before the anticipated results, and KPIs are listed to conclude how the proposed center is to be operated.


Application of haptic assistive technology to improve motion/ dancing activities for children with visual loss and partially sighted (99-2221-E-324-026-MY2 ) (2010~2012)

This project aims to combine technology and design, to develop educational facilities which can be used to educate children with physical or visual disabilities. The main areas involve:

1. Using Bluetooth device to create vibration on nets for movement guidance;

2. Using air stream for movement guidance;

3. Using servos mechanism for movement guidance;

4. Integrating movement aid technology to develop teaching materials for children with visual and physical disabilities.

This project hopes to remove difficulties faced by children with visually impaired when they try to move with the rhythm. The project team is formed across different departments, which are the Department of Industrial Design, the Department of Computer Communication and the Department of Early Childhood Development and Education. By the support from the team members and the field observation in the real teaching environment, ideas are gathered and product is improved through the designing and engineering. Different factors in engineering and design will be evaluated to minimize the cost issue. This will help the children with visually impaired in the future development. In the end, there will be a usable model to demonstrate the functionalities. In addition, visually impaired children will be invited to try it with the developed teaching materials, to confirm the feasibility of the design.

A Study of the Use of Technology of Sounds and Physical Movement with Visually Impaired Children (NSC 98-2511-S-324-005) (2009~2010)

The purposes of the study were (1) integrating sounds, assistive technology of physical movement to help the development of physical movement and language of children with multiple disabilities and visual impairment; (2) inventing parity and local equipment of tactile toy to enhance the development of physical movement of children with multiple disabilities and visual impairment.

The methodology was both of qualitative and quantitative study. Seven 4-6 year-old subjects with multiple disabilities and visual impairment were selected by purposive sampling to participate in the study. The duration was 6 months with 40-minute instructional sessions once per week. The data analysis was through semi-structured observation forms and anecdotal logs.

Through a series of systematic music activities with Soundbeam equipment, the results of the study were as follows:

1. The subjects' ability of physical movement and language had a positive improvement. The social validity also showed the positive support for the result.

2. The invention of parity and local equipment of tactile 他y was able to assist the subjects' development of physical movement.

The results show the effectiveness of the music activities and the invented equipment on developing physical movement of children with multiple disabilities and visual impairment.


2020 /02~Present "An International Pilot Study: Maternal perceptions of maternal-infant attachment linked with maternal infant-directed musical activities in urbanized populations" 

This study design involves samples of convenience and will be conducted by a team of international researchers in cities of their choice, and collective results will be reported and disseminated for the international profession. 

2011-2013 SUNY COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) Project

The SUNY COIL Center is working with a group of SUNY campuses which share the goal of enhancing campus internationalization by embedding online cross-border collaborations into their courses and through other related projects. The COIL approach is to link a class at SUNY with one at a university abroad. The classes may be totally online or offered in a blended format with face-to-face sessions taking place at both schools while collaborative work between the groups takes place online. The courses are always team-taught, with a faculty member at SUNY working with a peer at a partner institution. Our method promotes interactive shared coursework, emphasizing experiential learning. We first give our students and those abroad a chance to get to know each other, and then help them develop meaningful projects together.

2010-2012 FIPSE (Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education)

The goal of the project is to promote online academic student and faculty cooperation to improve services for children in vulnerable conditions. An international multi-discipline consortium, which includes SUNY Ulster and the University of Arizona in the US, the University of Manitoba and Red Deer College in Canada, and the Instituto Tecnologico de Sonora and the Universidad Panamericana in Mexico will collaborate in coursework, field experiences, and develop an advanced curriculum during the next three years. Using a 'blended' or 'hybrid' approach to education, students in social work, family studies and inclusive special needs education will learn together in face-to-face and online environments, connected across three nations by internet and mobile technology.


The second phase of the Ministry of Education's University Social Responsibility Practice Project-"The Practice of Innovative Practices in the Local Ageing Society of the Young and Old in the Republic (2020/1~2022/12)

It is expected that this project will eventually succeed in coaching 2-3 kindergartens to become a common kindergarten for children and elders. A silver-haired daycare class is attached to the kindergarten and the elderly are recruited to the school every day. This will become a brand-new local aging-daycare-service model.

The goals of the project are to tie in the service institute's objectives; to provide substantive professional services; to implement the significance of industry-university cooperation. More specific goals are: 4. Systematic guidance on children's observation records

Industrial College Project (2021/08~2022/07)

Achievements and performance: The purpose of this project is to use technology to develop sensory art teaching aids, through the team to lead cooperative organizations to plan sensory courses, integrate sensory aesthetic education and application, and the purpose of service research is to explore the implementation process of sensory art education and study the impact of children's creativity research, by improving the sensory art teaching skills and knowledge of education and protection service personnel, establish a kindergarten good sensory art education environment, and bring children a complete learning experience of sensory art; and the experience of field service or research will be made into a teaching case. He will also be taught in the department's professional courses (the textbook is in the form of PPT), and the topic is expected to be the "special research on children's music" course to share the research process.

Deep Plowing Project: Taiwan Fund for Children and Families (2015/08~2016/07)

The goals of the project are to tie in the service institute's objectives; to provide substantive professional services; to implement the significance of industry-university cooperation. More specific goals are:

1. Planning the environment and facilities for music education and therapy

2. Music education and therapist training

3. Remedial teaching

4. Systematic guidance on children's observation records

The Smart Life Integrated Talent Cultivation Program of the Ministry of Education-"The Design and Implementation of the Intergenerational Learning Program for Young and Old" (2014/09~2015/01)

The goals of the project:

1. Role simulation of the intergenerational learning program for young and old

2. Handle the experience camp of intergenerational learning program for young and old

Ministry of Education subsidizes public and private kindergarten counseling program-"Nantou County Public Yanfeng Primary School Affiliated Kindergarten" (2011~2012)

The Ministry of Education subsidizes public and private kindergarten counseling program-" Nantou County Public Ruizhu Primary School Affiliated Kindergarten" (2008-2009)

The Ministry of Education subsidizes the public and private kindergarten counseling program-"Private Tai'an Kindergarten in Taichung City" (2007-2009)

The Ministry of Education subsidizes public and private kindergarten counseling program-"Changhua County Private Le Geng Nursery School" (2007-2008)

The Ministry of Education subsidizes Chaoyang University of Technology's 2007-year long-term developmental action plan to establish the Soundbeam Technology Center for Young Children" and "Using Modern Technology to Develop Children's Creativity and Improve Physical Movement Action Research" (2007)


University's Featured Grant Project: Holistic Music Educational Approach for Young Children's Multiple Developments (2015/07~2018/07)

The goal of this project was to examine the effectiveness of the HMEAYC in both mainstream and special education settings.

"Holistic Music Educational Approach for Young Children" is a new concept and new operational mode of early childhood education for 0-6-year-old. It was proposed by the project host after years of theoretical and practical study. The primary connotation refers to music teaching children will achieve physical and mental development in all areas. Based on the completed projects from academic years of 2011-2014 and accrued the experiences of international cooperation over the years, the host has been invited to deliver professional speeches, lectures, and presentations by many countries, including SUNY Ulster, 2010 ~ 2011, Illinois State University, 2010 ~ 2011, The Hague University, 2012~2013, Texas Christian University, 2012, Limburg Catholic University, 2013, VIA University, 2013, University of Leipzig, 2014, Ege University, 2014. All research and industry cooperation programs are enough to show the performance of a solid basis for implementing the program information.

 The primary developmental processes are:

  • The implementation of "Holistic Music Educational Approach for Young Children"; Constructing and demonstrating the experimental research center: to set up an expandable and feasible early childhood curriculum; and through practice in the relevant scientific laboratory experiments and hands-on demonstration to verify and improve "Holistic Music Educational Approach for Young Children."
  • The implementation of "Holistic Music Educational Approach for Young Children."


Industrial Technology Research Institute: Planning Research on Multi-sensory Music Education Teaching Plan (2020/06/12~2020/09/11)

The goals of the project are to assist in organizing music education promotion activities and teacher training activities 

The National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra Project: 2020 academic year of art venues (domain) research and development of cultural experience-"Find Your Symphony DNA" project (2020/06/08~2020/11/20)

The goals of the project are to assist in organizing music education promotion activities and let more people know the National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra 

Music Educational Therapy Project: Taiwan Fund for Children and Families (2013~2019) 

The goals of the project were to assist the service institute of Taiwan Fund for Children and Families on increasing children with disabilities multiple developments and training all teachers and therapists how to implement "Music Educational Therapy"

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